周 玮1,苏春花 1,曹 岩 1,2.氮、磷肥对马尾松幼苗生长及营养元素积累与转运的影响[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(7):88-96
查看全文    HTML 氮、磷肥对马尾松幼苗生长及营养元素积累与转运的影响
Effects of N and P Fertilizers on Growth and Nutrient Accumulation and Transport ation of Pinus massoniana Seedling
中文关键词: 马尾松  施肥  苗木生长  营养元素  吸收量  转运特性
英文关键词: Pinus massoniana Lamb.  fertilization  growth of seedlings  nutritional elements  absorption  transport characteristics
基金项目:贵州省科技厅基础研究项目(黔科合基础〔2018〕1072);贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合 KY 字〔2018〕136);贵州省教育厅自然科学研究项目(黔教合 KY 字〔2017〕003)
周 玮1,苏春花 1,曹 岩 1,2 1. 贵州民族大学生态环境工程学院贵州 贵阳 5500252. 贵州省优势生物质材料(木、竹、茶等)的开发与利用特色重点实验室贵州 贵阳 550025 
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      【目的】通过研究不同氮、磷处理下马尾松苗木的生长、营养特性,揭示苗木对营养元素的吸收、积累情况,为明确马尾松的施肥效应机制及生长理论提供依据。【方法】在温室大棚内应用塑料盆培育马尾松幼苗,出苗后施不同量的氮肥和磷肥,生长半年后测定苗木的苗高、地径、根系及生物量,并测定地上及地下部分苗木中营养元素的含量,计算营养元素的积累量及转运系数。【结果】施用不同水平的氮肥和磷肥,肥效存在差异性,苗木中中量元素积累量差异均不显著,Ca、Mg、Mn 的转运系数(SAR)均大于 1,Fe、Zn、Cu 各处理 SAR 均小于 1;施氮肥的苗木主根发达(20.1 cm)、总根长短(63.1 cm)、生物量地上 / 地下> 2,大量、中量元素分配到针叶,利于 Cu、Zn 元素的积累(32.26、21.16 mg/ 株),地上部分 Mn 元素吸收量是地下部分的 5.16 倍;施磷肥的苗木侧、须根较发达,主根短(17.2 cm),地径最大(1.00 cm),生物量地上 / 地下< 1,显著提高了苗木针叶 P 元素的积累量(11.87 g/ 株),地上部分 Mn 元素积累量(68.89 mg/ 株)是地下部分积累量(21.01 mg/ 株)的 2.57 倍;除 Mn 元素(2.57)外,施磷肥处理下各矿质元素转运系数均高于施氮肥处理。【结论】施肥对马尾松苗木生长具有一定作用,其中磷肥对马尾松幼苗侧须根的生长促进作用明显,而氮肥对苗高生长作用明显、对侧须根生长不利;施氮肥有利于除 P、Fe 元素外的营养元素地上部分的积累,施磷肥则可促进地上对 P 元素的积累,并促进除 Mn 元素外其他矿质元素的转运,施氮、磷肥不利于 Fe 元素的积累。
      【Objective】The growth and nutrient characteristics of Pinus massoniana under different nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)fertilizer treatments were studied to reveal the nutrient uptake and accumulation of seedlings, which could provide theoretical basis for clarifying the fertilization effect mechanism and the growth theory of P. massoniana.【Method】In the greenhouse, the P. massoniana seedlings were planted in plastic pots. After the emergence of the seedlings, different amounts of N and P fertilizers were applied. Then, after growing for half a year, the plant height, diameter, root system and biomass of the seedlings as well as the nutrient contents of seedlings aboveground and underground were determined, and the accumulation and transfer coefficient of nutrients were calculated.【Result】There were differences in the fertilizer effects with the application of different amounts of N and P fertilizers, but there was no significant difference in mid-element accumulation of seedlings. The transport coefficient(SAR)of Ca, Mg and Mn under each treatment was greater than 1, while the SAR of Fe, Zn, and Cu under each treatment was less than 1. Under N treatment, the main root of seedling was developed(20.1 cm), with short total length(63.1 cm)and the ratioof aboveground/underground biomass greater than 2, the macro-elements and mid-elements were assigned to needles, which were beneficial to the accumulation of Cu and Zn(32.26 mg/plant and 21.16 mg/plant), and Mn uptake of aboveground part was 5.16 times that of the underground part. Under P treatment, the branch root was developed, with short main root(17.2 cm), maximum diameter(1.00 cm)and the ratio of aboveground/underground biomass less than 1. The application of P fertilizer improved P accumulation in needles of seedlings(11.87 g/plant), and Mn accumulation of aboveground part(68.89 mg/plant)was 2.57 times that of the underground part(21.01 mg/plant). Except for Mn, the transport coefficients of other mineral elements were higher than those of N treatment.【Conclusion】Fertilization can promote the growth of seedlings of P. massoniana, and P fertilizer has a significant effect on the branch root. The N fertilizer has an obvious effect on the growth of seedling height, however, it is not beneficial to the growth of branch root. Except for P and Fe, the application of N fertilizer is conducive to the accumulation of nutrients in aboveground parts. The P fertilizer can promote the P absorption in aboveground parts and enhance the transfer of mineral elements except Mn. The application of N, P fertilizer inhibits the accumulation of Fe.
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