李 颖,王恒明,徐小万,徐晓美,王得元,李乃坚,余小林.华南地区辣椒品种选育及育种技术研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(11):60-69
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Breeding of Pepper Cultivars in South China and Research Progress in Pepper Breeding Technology
中文关键词: 华南地区  辣椒  品种选育  育种技术
英文关键词: South China  pepper  cultivar breeding  breeding technology
李 颖,王恒明,徐小万,徐晓美,王得元,李乃坚,余小林 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 / 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      辣椒是我国华南地区南菜北运最重要的种类。30 多年来,华南地区众多科研院所、高校和育种公司共同努力,选育了许多具有华南特色的优异品种,获得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。概述了华南地区辣椒新品种选育及主要育种技术研究进展:(1)辣椒新品种选育方面,华南地区已选育出青皮椒、黄皮椒、指天椒、线椒等各类型品种,其中粤椒一号、辣优 4 号、茂椒 4 号、东方神剑、汇丰二号等在当时辣椒种子市场占有较大份额。(2)辣椒抗青枯病转基因技术研究方面,采用农杆菌介导法,将抗菌肽 B、D 基因导入辣椒,获得抗菌肽 B、D 基因转化辣椒抗青枯病工程株系,并获农业农村部批准进行田间试验。(3)辣椒耐高温、湿涝机理研究方面,通过高温高湿胁迫下植物生理生化、转录本衍生片段、DNA 甲基化、表达谱和 miRNA 等多组学数据,揭示了辣椒耐高温高湿机制,阐明了辣椒杂交种基因均呈非加性的表达模式。(4)辣椒疫病特异抗性基因的精细定位方面,利用辣椒抗疫病材料 CM334 和感病材料 10399 为亲本构建遗传分离群体并对辣椒根腐疫病抗性遗传规律进行研究,表明在广东辣椒疫霉菌优势生理小种 Race 3 侵染下,辣椒根腐疫病抗性性状为显性单基因控制,并将抗性基因 PhR10 定位在约 2.6 Mb 范围内。(5)辣椒雄性不育研究方面,利用回交或逆向回交系统选育技术,选育出辣椒不育系、保持系和恢复系,实现辣椒三系配套并应用,同时对辣椒雄性不育机理进行了研究。针对华南地区气候特点及消费习惯,提出对未来华南地区辣椒育种研究的建议。
      Pepper is the most important vegetable in South China for transporting from south to north. Over the last more than 30 years, many scientific research institutes, universities and breeding companies in South China have worked together to breed numerous excellent cultivars with specific characteristics for South China, and have obtained good economic and social benefits. This study summarizes the research progress in new pepper cultivar breeding and the main breeding techniques in South China:(1)New pepper cultivar breeding: A series of cultivars belonging to green pepper, yellow pepper, cone pepper, line pepper, etc. were bred in South China, among which Yuejiao No. 1, Layou No. 4, Maojiao No. 4, Dongfang Shenjian, and Huifeng No. 2, held a large market share at that time.(2)Research on the transgenic technology of pepper with bacterial wilt resistance: Agrobacterium-mediated method was used to introduce the antibacterial peptide B and D genes into peppers to obtain transgenic pepper lines containing the antibacterial peptide B and D genes with bacterial wilt resistance and these lines were authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for field experiments.(3)Research on the mechanism of pepper tolerance to high temperature and humidity: Multiple omics data obtained by physiology and biochemistry, transcript derived fragments, DNA methylation, expression profile and miRNA study under high temperature and humidity stress were used to reveal the mechanism of pepper tolerance to high temperature and humidity and it indicated that genes in the pepper hybrid cultivars showed a non-additive expression pattern.(4)Fine mapping of pepper phytophthora blight specific resistance genes: Pepper phytophthora blight resistant germplasm CM334 and susceptible germplasm 10399 were used for parents to construct a genetic segregation population and study the genetic rules of pepper phytophthora blight of root rot. The study indicated that the resistance trait of pepper phytophthora blight was controlled by a dominant single gene under the infection of the dominant Phytophthora capsici race(named Race3)in Guangdong Province, and the resistance gene PhR10 was mapped in the distance of about 2.6 Mb.(5)Research on pepper male sterility: the pepper sterile lines, maintainer lines and restorer lines were bred by backcrossing or reverse backcrossing system selection techniques to achieve the matching and application of the three-line combination and the mechanism of male sterility was studied. Suggestions were also put forward for future researches on pepper breeding in South China based on the climate characteristics and consumption habits in South China.
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