王 丽,叶翔杨,温晓鹿,杨雪芬,高开国,蒋宗勇.猪营养调控技术研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(11):114-124
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Research Progress in Swine Nutrition Regulation Technology
中文关键词:   营养需要  生产性能  营养价值  精准饲喂
英文关键词: swine  nutrition requirement  production performance  nutrient value  precision feeding
王 丽,叶翔杨,温晓鹿,杨雪芬,高开国,蒋宗勇 广东省农业科学院动物科学研究所 / 畜禽育种国家重点实验室 / 农业农村部华南动物营养与饲料重点实验室 / 广东省畜禽育种与营养研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      我国是生猪养殖与猪肉消费大国,多年来猪肉总产量和人均猪肉占有量居世界首位。由于人们对猪肉品质需求的不断提高及研究的不断深入,我国猪营养研究也经历了从最初营养需要的研究,到通过营养技术调控猪肉品质、肠道健康、繁殖性能和免疫等方面的转变。随着研究模型、组学技术、功能性分子营养以及肠道健康等研究手段的不断进步,生猪营养调控技术的研究进入到高速发展阶段。综述了近 5 年来国内外生猪相关营养调控技术,包括母猪、公猪、仔猪和生长育肥猪的营养需求(能量、蛋白质和氨基酸、常量和微量元素、添加剂等),生产性能与营养调控,饲料营养价值评定,精准饲喂技术等多个方面,以期为今后生猪营养调控技术的进一步研究提供参考。
      China is a large country of pig breeding and pork consumption, with the total output of pork and the per capita pork consumption ranking first in the world for many years. Due to the continuous improvement of people's demand for pork quality and the deepening of research, the pig nutrition research has also experienced a transformation from the initial study of nutrient requirement to the regulation of pork quality, intestinal health, reproductive performance and immunity through nutrition regulation technology. At present, with the continuous progress in research methods such as research model, histology technology, functional molecular nutrition and intestinal health, the research of pig nutrition regulation technology has entered a stage of rapid development. The swine nutrition regulation technologies at home and abroad in recent five years are reviewed, including nutrient requirements (energy, protein and amino acids, minerals and trace elements, additives, etc.) in different physiology period (sow, boar, piglet and growing-finishing pig), production performance and nutrient regulation, feed nutrition value identification and precision feeding technique, to provide references for further research of swine nutrition regulation technology.
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