查看全文    HTML 我国烟草主要病虫害防治药剂登记现状与发展对策
Situation and Development Countermeasures of the Registration of Tobacco Pesticides for Controlling Major Diseases and Pests in China
中文关键词: 烟草  病虫害防治  农药登记  药剂  生物农药
英文关键词: tobacco  pest and disease control  pesticide registration  agent  biological pesticide
基金项目:广东省烟草科技项目(粤烟科项 201701,粤烟科项 201802,粤烟科项 201908)
魏彬,林壁润,孙大元,郭俊杰,沈会芳,蒲小明,陈泽鹏,杨祁云 1. 广东烟草梅州市有限公司广东 梅州 5146002. 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所 / 广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室广东 广州 5106403. 广东烟草韶关市有限公司广东 韶关 512000 
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      烟草是我国重要的经济作物,病虫害防治是其种植过程中需要解决的主要问题。目前烟草病虫害主要有斜纹夜蛾、烟青虫、烟蚜、小地老虎、黑胫病、病毒病、赤星病、炭疽病和青枯病等。在病虫害防治方面,部分烟区仍存在使用高毒化学药剂、农药品种单一、偏向传统剂型等现象,造成病虫害抗药性提高以及烟叶农药残留超标;另外,由于化学药剂使用不当使烟草或其他轮作作物产生药害,严重影响土壤性质及农业生产,因此合理选用安全有效的药剂防治烟草病虫害亟待解决。总结和分析了截至 2020 年 12 月 7 日在我国烟草主要病虫害防治药剂登记的基本情况及存在问题,经与同类病虫害使用药剂的登记情况进行比较分析,以期对烟草主要病虫害防控用农药登记现状有一个基本了解,并提出今后烟草主要病虫害防治药剂登记对策,为提高烟草病虫害绿色防控的农药合理使用技术水平提供保障。
      Tobacco is an important economic crop in China, and pest control is the main problem to be solved in the process of planting. At present, tobacco diseases and pests mainly include Spodoptera litura, Heliothis assulta, Myzus persicae, Agrotis ypsilon, Phytophtora parasitica var. nicotianae, virus disease, Alternaria alternata, Colletorichum lagenarium and Ralstonia solanacearum etc. There were still some problems on the aspect of tobacco pest control, such as the use of high-toxic chemical agents, single pesticide variety, and bias to traditional formulation, which leaded to high pest resistance and excessive pesticide residues. Moreover, tobacco or other rotation crops were harmed by improper use of chemical agents, which affected soil properties and agricultural production seriously. Therefore, it is urgent to select safe and effective pesticides to control tobacco diseases and diseases and pests. In order to preliminarily understand the current status of registered pesticides for controlling major tobacco diseases and pests, the registration status and existing problems of pesticides for controlling major tobacco diseases and pests were summarized and analyzed. The registration of pesticides as of December 7, 2020 in China was used for analysis and was compared with that of the pesticides used for the same kinds of pests on other crops. The result could provide countermeasures for the registration of pesticides in the future, and improve the technical level of rational use of pesticides in the control of diseases and pests on tobacco.
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