查看全文    HTML 不同种源草珊瑚生长特性及有效成分含量比较分析
Comparative Analysis of Growth Characteristics and Effective Components of Sarcandra glabra from Different Provenances
中文关键词: 草珊瑚  种源  生长差异  主成分分析
英文关键词: Sarcandra glabra  germplasm resource  growth difference  principal component analysis
基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展专项资金科技创新项目(第二批)(2019FX5066);湖南省中药材产业技术体系项目(湘财农指〔2020〕64 号,湘财农指〔2020〕112 号)
聂小英,朱春晓,郑东升,李自强,胡庆一,陈阳峰,肖深根 1. 湖南农业大学园艺学院湖南 长沙 410128 2. 湖南天地恒一现代中药产业有限公司湖南 衡阳 421256 
摘要点击次数: 1609
全文下载次数: 1031
      【目的】对 5 个种源地草珊瑚进行种植试验,测定其 2 年生实生苗的株高、地径、叶片形态、根 系生长、生物量、叶片光合参数和有效成分含量等,并进行差异性分析,以期筛选出在湖南地区生长适应性强、 有效成分含量较高的草珊瑚种源。【方法】采用 LI-6400 便携式光合仪测定成熟叶片的光合参数,采用 HPLC 测定异嗪皮啶、迷迭香酸含量,采用热浸法测定浸出物含量,利用主成分分析法对 5 个草珊瑚种源进行综合评价。 【结果】(1)各草珊瑚种源间株高、地径、叶片形态、根系生长及生物量差异显著,其中广西昭平种源株高为 35.53 cm,地径为 4.03 mm、叶面积为 302.9 9 cm2 、根长为 508.80 cm、根表面积为 150.43 cm2 ,生物量为 17.06 g, 显著高于其他种源。(2)不同种源净光合速率、胞间 CO2 浓度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率存在显著差异,其中广西 昭平种源草珊瑚净光合速率最大、为 3.91 µmol/m2.s,具有较高的光合效率。(3)不同种源异嗪皮啶、迷迭香酸 及浸出物含量存在显著差异,其中广西昭平种源异嗪皮啶、迷迭香酸含量较高,分别为 3.81、44.08 mg/g,福建 三元种源浸出物含量较高、为 26.52%。(4)对不同种源在湖南地区的生长适应性进行综合评价结果显示,广 西昭平种源>江西九江种源>湖南永定种源>福建三元种源>贵州黔东南种源。【结论】广西昭平和江西九江 种源草珊瑚对湖南生长环境具有较强的适应能力和生长潜力。
      【Objective】In order to screen out Sarcandra glabra with strong adaptability and high contents of effective components in Hunan Province, the plant height, ground diameter, leaf morphology, root growth, biomass, leaf photosynthetic parameters and effective component contents of 2-year-old seedlings of S. glabra from five provenances were measured and analyzed.【Method】The photosynthetic parameters of mature leaves were determined by LI-6400 portable photosynthetic apparatus, the contents of isozinpidine and rosmarinic acid were determined by HPLC, and the contents of extracts were determined by hot dipping method. The five provenances of S. glabra were comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis.【Result】(1)There were significant differences in plant height, ground diameter, leaf morphology, root growth and biomass among different provenances. The plant height, ground diameter, leaf area, root length, root surface area and biomass of S. glabra from Zhaoping, Guangxi were 35.53 cm, 4.03 mm, 302.99 cm2 , 508.80 cm, 150.43 cm2 and 17.06 g, which were significantly higher than those of other provenances.(2)There were significant differences in net photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate among different provenances. The net photosynthetic rate of S. glabra from Zhaoping Guangxi was the highest, which was 3.91 µmol/m2 .s. (3)There were significant differences in the contents of isofraxidin, rosmarinic acid and extract among different provenances. The contents of isofraxidin and rosmarinic acid of S. glabra from Zhaoping Guangxi were higher, which were 3.81 mg/g and 44.08 mg/g, respectively, while the content of extract from Sanyuan, Fujian was higher, which was 26.52%.(4)According to the results of a comprehensive evaluation on the growth adaptability of different provenances in Hunan, the adaptability was showed as: Guangxi Zhaoping provenance > Jiangxi Jiujiang provenance > Hunan Yongding provenance > Fujian Sanyuan provenance > Guizhou Qiandongnan provenance.【Conclusion】S. glabra from Zhaoping of Guangxi and Jiujiang of Jiangxi have strong adaptability and growth potential to the environment of Hunan.
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