徐建鹏,伍 琼,王 晖.皖南茶叶生长季气候资源变化特征及其影响分析[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(4):14-22
查看全文    HTML 皖南茶叶生长季气候资源变化特征及其影响分析
Analysis on the Variation Characteristics of Climate Resources and Its Influence During Tea Growing Season in Southern Anhui Province
中文关键词: 茶叶  开采期  气候资源  变化特征  皖南  气候影响
英文关键词: tea  harvesting period  climate resource  variation characteristics  southern Anhui  climate impact
基金项目:安 徽 省 重 大 科 技 专 项(202003A06020016); 中 国 气 象 局 科 技 助 力 经 济 2020 气 象 行 业 项 目(KJZLJJ202002)
徐建鹏,伍 琼,王 晖 1. 安徽省农业气象中心安徽 合肥 230031 2. 安徽省农业生态大数据工程实验室安徽 合肥 230031 
摘要点击次数: 1727
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      【目的】通过分析气候变暖背景下皖南地区茶叶生长气候资源变化特征,为皖南地区茶叶生产合 理利用气候资源、应对气候变化提供科学依据。【方法】利用安徽省皖南山区 19 个气象观测站 1971—2019 年 的逐日平均气温、日照时数、降水量、相对湿度等资料,分析气候变暖背景下皖南山区茶叶生长热量、光照、 降水等气候资源及开采期变化特征。【结果】近 50 年安徽省皖南山区茶叶生长热量资源呈极显著增加,其中 年平均气温、≥ 10 ℃活动积温和适宜生长日数增幅分别为 0.29 ℃ /10 年、111.7 ℃ /10 年和 2.7 d/10 年;光照 资源极显著减少,年均日照时数降幅为 57.5 h/10 年;降水资源变化不一,其中降水量呈增加趋势、增幅为 13.7 mm/10 年,相对湿度极显著降低,降幅为 0.5%/10 年。【结论】气候变暖造成皖南山区早生种和中晚生种茶叶开 采期极显著提前,提前幅度分别为 4.2、3.6 d/10 年,气候变暖带来的气温和降水的变化对皖南山区茶叶产量影 响较大。
      【Objective】By analyzing the variation characteristics of climate resources during tea growing season in southern Anhui under the background of climate warming, the study aimed to provide a scientific basis for the rational use of climate resources and response to climate change during tea production in southern Anhui.【Method】Based on the data including daily average temperature, sunshine hours, precipitation and relative humidity from 19 meteorological stations in southern Anhui during 1971-2019, the study analyzed the variation characteristics of climate resources including heat, light and precipitation during the tea growing season as well as the tea harvesting period in mountain areas of southern Anhui. 【Result】The heat resource during the growth of tea increased obviously in mountain areas of southern Anhui in recent 50 years, in which the annual average temperature, the accumulated temperature above 10℃ , and the number of suitable days for tea growth increased per 10 years by 0.29℃ , 111.7℃ and 2.7 d, respectively. The light resource decreased significantly, and the decreasing range of annual sunshine hours was 57.5 h per 10 yaers. The variation of precipitation resources varied among the precipitation and relative humidity, the former increased insignificantly by 13.7mm per 10 yaers, and the latter decreased significantly by 0.5% per 10 yaers.【Conclusion】Due to the climate warming, the harvesting periods of early and middle-late growing tea was significantly advanced by 4.2 d and 3.6 d per 10 yaers, respectively. The changes of temperature and precipitation caused by climate warming have a great impact on yield per mu of tea in mountain areas of southern Anhui.
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