查看全文    HTML 一株溶磷促生菌的分离、鉴定及其对玉米幼苗生长的影响
Isolation and Identification of a Phosphorus-solubilizing Growth-promoting Bacterium and its Effect on the Growth of Zea mays L. Seedlings
中文关键词: 根际促生菌  玉米幼苗  溶磷菌  ACC 脱氨酶  吲哚乙酸
英文关键词: pl ant growth-promoting rhizobacteria  Zea mays L. seedling  phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria  1-a-minocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase  indole-3-acetic acid
张芬芬,周晓伦,贺洋洋 甘 肃医学院临床医学系 / 基础医学院甘肃 平凉 744000 
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      【目 的】分离能高效溶磷的促生菌菌株,研究不同溶磷菌胁迫对玉米幼苗生长的影响。【方法】采用改良 SRSM 培养基及改良 Belimov 方法从平凉市化肥施用冬小麦土壤中筛选溶磷菌株,利用形态特征和16S rDNA 序列对筛选菌进行鉴定、分析其促生特性,盆栽试验分析不同溶磷胁迫下玉米幼苗抗逆性等。【结果】在初步分离得到 8 株溶磷菌株中,筛选出 1 株 ZX-2020 菌株,通过生理生化及 16S rRNA 鉴定 ZX-2020 为Pseudomonas sp,GenBank 登录号为 MT084758。玉米幼苗生长试验表明,接种 ZX-2020 菌株的玉米与不同溶磷菌处理相比,其幼苗根、茎长度和叶面积均有显著提高,分别增加 54.49%、26.96% 和 36.06%,产 IAA 量为 6.71 mg/L,溶磷量为 198.26 μg/mL。【结论】Pseudomonas sp.ZX-2020 在施用化肥土壤中能更好地定殖,保证促植物生长能力的发挥,并为化肥污染土壤的植物 - 微生物联合原位修复提供优良菌株资源。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to isolate growth-promoting strains with high phosphorussolubilizing efficiency and explore the effects of different phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria strain stresses on the growth of Zea mays L. seedlings.【Method】The improved SRSM culture medium and Belimov method were used to screen out the phosphorus-solubilizing strains from the soil of winter wheat applied with chemical fertilizer in Pingliang City. The strains were identified by morphological characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence and their growth-promoting characteristics were analyzed. The resistance of Z. mays L. seedlings growth under different phosphorus bacteria stresses was studied by pot experiment.【Result】Among 8 preliminarily isolated phosphorus-solubilizing strains, the ZX-2020 strain was screened out, which was identified as Pseudomonas sp. through physiological and biochemical and 16S rRNA with the GenBank accession number was MT084758. The test results of Z. mays L. seedlings growth showed that, compared with those under different phosphorus-solubilizing strains treatments, the root length, stem length and leaf area of Z. mays L. seedling inoculated with ZX-2020 strain increased by 54.49%, 26.96% and 36.06%, respectively, with the IAA yield of 6.71 mg/ L and the dissolved phosphorus content of 198.26 μg/mL.【Conclusion】Pseudomonas sp. ZX-2020 can colonize better in contaminated soil and promote plant growth, which can be used as a good microbial resource for plant-microorganism in situremediation of chemical fertilizer contaminated soil.
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