陈川雁,喻国辉,陈燕红,宫庆友,黎永坚,袁 玲.稻秆 - 花生麸发酵制备水溶性有机碳肥工艺研究[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(7):66-73
查看全文    HTML 稻秆 - 花生麸发酵制备水溶性有机碳肥工艺研究
Study on the Process of Water-soluble Organic Carbon Fertilizer Prepared from the Fermentation Products of the Mixture of Rice Straw and Peanut Bran
中文关键词: 稻草  花生麸  有机碳肥  发酵  微生物发酵剂  水溶性有机碳肥  堆肥茶
英文关键词: rice straw  peanut bran  organic carbon fertilizer  fermentation  microbial ferment agent  water-soluble organic carbon fertilizer  compost tea
基金项目:2020 年广东省科技专项资金(SDZX2020031)
陈川雁,喻国辉,陈燕红,宫庆友,黎永坚,袁 玲 1. 珠海市现代农业发展中心广东 珠海 519075 2. 仲恺农业工程学院农业与生物学院 / 植物健康创新研究院广东 广州 510225 
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      【目的】研究利用市售不同微生物发酵剂发酵农场废弃物稻草和花生麸制备水溶性有机碳肥的 适宜碳氮比和浸提时间,并筛选合适的发酵剂。【方法】以稻秆和花生麸为原材料,按一定比例配备成 C/N 为 25∶1 和 40∶1 的混合原料,利用市售的 6 种不同微生物发酵剂对其进行固态发酵,测定发酵产物的有机碳含 量,然后浸提制备堆肥茶,并测定水溶性碳提取效率和提取量,通过多因素方差分析确定适合的碳氮比、发酵 剂及浸提时间。【结果】C/N 为 25∶1 稻秆 - 花生麸混合物的发酵产物的有机碳含量、水溶性有机碳溶出率和 溶出量高于 C/N 为 40∶1 混合物的发酵产物。湖北产的“肥用微生物菌”和湖南产的“‘粪 - 肥 - 草 - 饲’多 元循环梯级利用综合配套发酵剂”发酵 C/N 为 25∶1 混合物的发酵产物有机碳含量最高。但浸提后,广州产的 “堆肥发酵菌有机物料发酵剂” 发酵 C/N 为 25∶1 混合物的发酵产物浸提 12 h 后水溶性碳溶出率和溶出量最高, 其次为湖北产的“肥用微生物菌”的发酵产物浸提 24 h 的有机碳溶出量。“堆肥发酵菌有机物料发酵剂”发酵 C/N 为 25∶1 的稻草和花生麸混合物,发酵产物有机碳含量为 177.56 g/kg,浸提 12 h 的水溶性有机碳溶出量为 18.22 g/kg,水溶性有机碳溶出率为 10.26%。【结论】利用发酵剂发酵稻草和花生麸混合物制备水溶性碳肥的最 佳碳氮比是 25∶1,最佳发酵剂是广州产的“堆肥发酵菌有机物料发酵剂”,最佳浸提时间为 12 h。
      【Objective】The suitable C/N ratio and extraction time for producing water-soluble organic carbon fertilizer from discarded rice straw and peanut bran fermented by different commercial microbial fermentation agents were studied, and the suitable fermentation agent was selected.【Method】Rice straw and peanut bran were used as mixed raw materials, and the C/N ratio was 25∶1 and 40∶1. Six kinds of commercial microbial fermentation agents were used for solid-state fermentation and the organic carbon contents in the fermentation products were determined. Then, the water-soluble organic fertilizer was prepared by leaching, the extraction efficiency and extraction amount water-soluble carbon were determined, and the suitable C/N ratio, fermentation agent and extraction time were identified by multivariate analysis of variance.【Result】The organic carbon content, water-soluble organic carbon extraction rate and amount of fermentation product with 25∶1 C/N ratio were higher than those with 40∶1 C/N ratio. The organic carbon content in the mixed fermentation product of“fertilizer microorganism”from Hubei and the“manure-fertilizer-grass-feed multiple cycle cascade utilization comprehensive supporting starter”from Hunan with 25∶1 C/N ratio was the highest. However, after leaching for 12 hours, water-soluble organic carbon extraction rate and amount of the mixed fermentation product of“compost fermentation bacteria organic fermentation agent”with 25∶1 C/N ratio from Guangzhou was the highest, followed by that of“fertilizer microorganism”from Hubei after leaching for 24 hours. For the mixture of rice straw and peanut bran with 25∶1 C/N ratio fermented by “compost fermentation bacteria organic material starter”, the organic carbon content in fermentation product was 177.56 g/kg, and water-soluble organic carbon extraction amount and rate were 18.22 g/kg and 10.26% respectively after extracting for 12 hours.【Conclusion】For the preparation of water- soluble organic carbon fertilizer from the mixture of rice straw and peanut bran by fermentation with starter, the optimal C/N ratio of the mixture of rice straw and peanut bran was 25∶1, the optimal fermentation agent was“compost fermentation bacteria organic material starter”from Guangzhou, and the optimal extraction time was 12 h.
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