樊佳佳,马冬梅,朱华平,黄樟翰,黄剑华,李辉安.F5 代禾花鲤形态性状对体质量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(8):124-130
查看全文    HTML F5 代禾花鲤形态性状对体质量的影响
Effects of Morphological Traits on Body Weight in the F5 Generation of Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus Population
中文关键词: 禾花鲤  F5 代  形态性状  相关分析  多元回归
英文关键词: Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus  F5 generation  morphological trait  correlation analysis  multiple regression
樊佳佳,马冬梅,朱华平,黄樟翰,黄剑华,李辉安 1. 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所 / 农业农村部热带亚热带水产资源利用与养殖重点实验室 / 广东省水产动物免疫技术重点实验室广东 广州 510380 2. 乳源瑶族自治县一峰农业发展有限公司广东 乳源 512700 3. 阳江市中睿农业发展有限公司广东 阳江 529827 
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      【目的】分析在稻田养殖条件下 F5 代禾花鲤形态特征对体质量的影响。【方法】测量稻田养殖 的 6 月龄禾花鲤全长(X1)、体长(X2)、体高(X3)、头高(X4)、头长(X5)、尾柄高(X6)、尾柄长(X7)、 体宽(X8)和体质量(Y)9 个生长性状,并进行通径分析。【结果】F5 代禾花鲤在稻田养殖条件下体质量的 变异系数为 9.39%。采用逐步多元回归分析筛选对体质量性状起主要作用的形态性状,结果表明体宽(X8)和 体长(X2)对体质量起主要作用,其体宽的直接通径系数为 0.617,间接通径系数为 0.264;体长的直接通径 系数为 0.403,间接通径系数为 0.404;判别公式为 Y=-231.615+71.416X8+10.934X2(R2 =0.868)。【结论】以 生长速度和体型为选育指标对禾花鲤连续进行 5 代选育,其体质量变异系数比未选育时降低,选育后代体型 更加一致,决定其体质量的主要形态性状为体宽和体长。研究结果为进一步选育适合稻田养殖的禾花鲤提供 基础。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to explore the effects of the morphological traits on body weight for Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus F5 generation cultured in paddy fields.【Method】Nine growth traits including total length(X1), body length(X2), body height(X3), head height(X4), head length(X5), caudal peduncle height(X6), caudal peduncle length(X7), body width(X8)and body weight(Y)of C. carpio rubrofuscus F5 generation cultured in paddy fields were measured. The path analysis was used to analyze the data.【Result】The body weight coefficient of variation of F5 C. carpio rubrofuscus cultured in paddy fields was 9.39%. Stepwise multiple regression analysis results showed that there were two morphological traits of body width(X8)and body length(X2)that significantly affected body weight. Direct path coefficient and indirect path coefficient of body width were 0.617 and 0.264, and direct path coefficient and indirect path coefficient of body length were 0.403 and 0.404. The discriminant formula was Y=-231.615+71.416X8+10.934X2(R2 =0.868). 【Conclusion】The C. carpio rubrofuscus F5 generation was bred with the growth rate and body shape as breeding indicators. The body weight coefficient of variation of F5 generation was lower than that of control population, and the body shape of the selected offspring was more consistent. Body width and body length were the main morphological traits effecting body weight. The study results will provide basal data for further breeding of C. carpio rubrofuscus cultured in paddy fields.
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