张 楠,陈 婷,李小凤,李 武,肖汉祥,李高科.54 份鲜食玉米品种草地贪夜蛾抗虫性鉴定与评价[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(12):25-32
查看全文    HTML 54 份鲜食玉米品种草地贪夜蛾抗虫性鉴定与评价
Identification and Evaluation of Resistance of 54 Fresh Corn Hybrids to Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
中文关键词: 鲜食玉米  草地贪夜蛾  危害级别  叶片抗性  果穗抗性
英文关键词: fresh corn  fall armyworm  damage level  leaf resistance  ear resistance
张 楠,陈 婷,李小凤,李 武,肖汉祥,李高科  
摘要点击次数: 1302
全文下载次数: 942
      【目的】鉴定评价 54 份鲜食玉米品种(组合)对草地贪夜蛾 Spodoptera frugiperda 的抗性级别, 为鲜食玉米抗虫育种提供参考依据。【方法】在草地贪夜蛾大爆发的自然条件下,于 2020 年春季、秋季对 54 份鲜食玉米品种(组合)的叶片和果穗开展其对草地贪夜蛾抗虫性鉴定和评价,综合两季结果分析鲜食玉米品 种(组合)对草地贪夜蛾的抗虫性。【结果】大部分鲜食玉米的叶片和穗部对草地贪夜蛾表现为感或高感,无 高抗和抗虫品种(组合),仅有粤五彩甜糯品种的穗部和叶片抗性表现为中抗,占 1.85%。粤鲜糯 2 号、粤白 甜糯 5 号、粤甜 33 号等 14 份品种(组合)只在穗部表现为中抗,占 25.93%。【结论】综合 54 个鲜食玉米品种(组合) 的叶片和果穗的初步鉴定结果,鲜食玉米抗虫资源较少,草地贪夜蛾对不同品种(组合)叶片和果穗偏好性不同。 不同类型玉米在叶片抗性无显著差异,糯性玉米和具有热带血源的甜玉米果穗存在一定程度抗虫性,在抗虫新 品种选育时可加以利用。
      【Objective】The resistance levels of 54 fresh corn varieties (hybrids) to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) were identified and evaluated with a purpose to provide references for resistance breeding.【Method】Leaf and ear resistance of 54 fresh corn varieties hybrids was identified and evaluated in the spring and autumn of 2020 under the natural condition of fall armyworm outbreak. The resistance of 54 fresh corn varieties (hybrids) to fall armyworm was analyzed comprehensively based on the results of two seasons.【Result】The results showed that most of the leaves and ears of fresh corn were susceptible or highly susceptible to fall armyworm , and there were no highly resistant or resistant varieties (hybrids) . Only one hybrid Yuewucaitiannuo displayed medium resistance on both leaves and ears, accounting for 1.85% of total hybrids. 14 hybrids such as Yuexiannuo 2, Yuebaitiannuo 5 and Yuetian 33 showed medium resistance on ears only, accounting 25.93% of all the hybrids.【Conclusion】Based on the preliminary identification results of the leaves and ears of 54 fresh corn varieties, it was found that the resistant resources of fresh corn were relatively scarce, and fall armyworm preferred leaves or ears from 54 hybrids differently. There was no significant difference in leaf resistance among different sweet corn varieties, and certain degree of resistance existed in the ears of waxy corn or tropical derived sweet corn, which could be used for insect resistance breeding.
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