刘烁玲,胡 煜,王卫星,孙道宗,林伟君.基于 CI-600 的绿萝根系生长状态监测[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(1):151-158
查看全文    HTML 基于 CI-600 的绿萝根系生长状态监测
Monitoring of Root Growth of Scindapsus aureus Based on CI-600
中文关键词: 绿萝  根系生长监测  水分胁迫  微根管技术
英文关键词: Scindapsus aureus  root growth monitoring  water stress  minirhizotron technique
基金项目:广州市科技计划项目(202002030245,201903010105);广东省现代农业关键技术模式集成与示范推广项目(粤财农〔2021〕37 号 -200011);广东省科技专项资金(“大专项 + 任务清单”)项目(2020020103);广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设专项资金(2020KJ108);广东省教育厅特色创新类项目(2019KTSCX013)
刘烁玲,胡 煜,王卫星,孙道宗,林伟君  
摘要点击次数: 1181
全文下载次数: 779
      【目的】探究绿萝生长与水分胁迫之间的关系,为绿萝种养提供合适的灌溉参考依据,减少农业 生产水资源浪费问题。【方法】选取绿萝为试验材料,对其进行 4 组不同梯度的水分处理,通过 CI-600 植物根 系生长监测设备采集并分析根数量、根长度、根面积、根体积与水分胁迫之间的关系,并利用 Excel 软件进行数 据处理,绘制相关参数与土壤水分胁迫之间的关系曲线,采用最小二乘法,运用二次项拟合的方法进行模型拟合, 最终得出植物根系生长与水分胁迫之间的关系。【结果】利用二次项进行拟合的模型,决定系数 R2 绝大多数大 于 0.9,拟合程度高。在 35% 湿度条件下绿萝根数量、根面积、根体积增长速率最快,在 25%~35% 湿度区间内 有利于根长度的增加。从拟合曲线看,25%、35% 湿度条件下根数量及根长度两个指标较为一致。水分胁迫通 过影响根长度及根数量,进而作用于根系面积和体积的变化;根系伸长也依赖于其直径的拓展以获取有效的吸 收面积;根系体积的变化与根数量、根系直径等均有联系。【结论】绿萝最适宜的生长湿度为 35%,干旱胁迫 (15%)和淹水胁迫(45%)对根系生长均具有不利的影响;根系的各项生理指标在不同的水分胁迫中有不同的 趋势和表现,且各项指标又相互关联,相辅相成,构成和谐的生长系统;在培养植物时,应控制在适宜的水分 范围内,从而获得该植物的优质生物特征值,进而保证其经济效益。
      【Objective】In order to provide appropriate irrigation reference basis for the planting of Scindapsus aureus and reduce the waste of water resources in agricultural production, the relationship between the growth of S. aureus and water stress was explored.【Methods】S. aureus was selected as the experimental material and treated with different gradients of water stress in four groups. The CI-600 plant root growth monitoring equipment was used to collect and analyse the relationship between root number, root length, root area, root volume and the water stress, respectively, and the Excel software was used to process data then draw the relation curve between relevant root parameters and soil water stress. The relationship between plant root growth and water stress was finally obtained by using the least square method and quadratic term fitting method for model fitting.【Result】Most of the models fitted by quadratic terms have R2 greater than 0.9, which indicates a high degree of fitting. The root number, root area and root volume are growing the fastest under the humidity of 35%. Humidity in the range of 25%-35% is conducive to the increase of root length. According to the fitting curves, the two indexes of root number and root length are consistent under 25% and 35% humidity conditions. Moreover, water stress affects root area and root volume by affecting root length and root number. Roots also depend on the expansion of diameter to obtain effective absorption area while elongating. The change of root volume is related to the changes of root number and root diameter.【Conclusion】In conclusion, the optimum growth humidity for S. aureus is 35%. What’s more, drought stress(15%)and flooding stress(45%)have adverse effects on root growth. Finally, under different water stress, the physiological indexes of root system have different trends and behaviors, and the indexes are interrelated and complementary to each other so as to form a harmonious growth system. Therefore, when cultivating plants, humidity should be controlled in the appropriate range to obtain the high quality biological characteristic values of the plants, then to ensure its economic benefits.
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