王晓飞,陆展华,刘 维,卢东柏,王石光,巫浩翔,方志强,何秀英.“绿色革命”以来水稻抗倒伏研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(3):1-13
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Advances in Lodging Resistance of Rice Since the“Green Revolution”
中文关键词: 水稻  抗倒伏  基因  育种
英文关键词: rice  lodging resistance  gene  breeding
基金项目:广 东 省 重 点 领 域 研 发 计 划 项 目(2018B020206002,2020B0202090003); 广 东 省 自 然 科 学 基 金(2021A1515010820);广州市科技计划项目(202102080417);广东省科技计划项目(2020B1212060047)
王晓飞,陆展华,刘 维,卢东柏,王石光,巫浩翔,方志强,何秀英  
摘要点击次数: 1496
全文下载次数: 1049
      水稻是我国种植面积最大、总产量最高的粮食作物之一,对保证国家的粮食安全具有举足轻重的 作用。“绿色革命”以来,我国水稻单位面积产量有了巨大的提升。但是,水稻的倒伏问题长期以来制约着水 稻的高产和稳产以及优质化。水稻一旦发生较大面积倒伏将会导致产量的严重损失,同时导致稻米品质的严重 下降。目前,随着水稻单位面积产量的不断提高,水稻倒伏问题日益突出,已经成为威胁水稻正常生产的巨大 隐患之一。国内外研究者经过几十年的不断研究,在水稻抗倒伏的成因、机制、影响因素、评价方法以及抗倒 伏遗传育种研究等方面取得了巨大进展。综述了“绿色革命”以来水稻抗倒伏研究的进展情况,同时结合多年 来进行水稻抗倒伏研究工作的经验,全面分析了水稻抗倒伏研究的由来,明确了水稻倒伏的本质,归纳了水稻 抗倒伏的主要相关影响因素,并针对性地提出了提高水稻抗倒伏性的相关对策。在现有研究的基础上进一步展 望了新时期水稻抗倒伏育种、栽培及分子机制研究的主要方向,旨在为水稻抗倒伏相关研究者提供参考。
      Rice is one of the food crops with the largest planting area and the highest total output in China, which plays an important role in ensuring national food security. Since the “Green Revolution”, China’s rice yield per unit area has been greatly improved. However, the lodging problem of rice has long restricted the high and stable yield and excellent quality of rice. A large area of lodging of rice will lead to serious yield loss and rice quality decline. At present, with the continuous improvement of rice yield per unit area, the problem of rice lodging is becoming increasingly prominent, which has been one of the great hidden dangers threatening the normal rice production. Through decades of continuous research, researchers at home and abroad have made great progress in the cause, mechanism, influencing factors, evaluation methods and lodging resistance genetics and breeding of rice. The study summarizes the research progress of rice lodging resistance since the “Green Revolution”, combined with the lodging resistance research work experience for many years, comprehensive analyzes the research the origin of rice lodging resistance, clarifies the properties of rice lodging, summarizes the main related factors of rice lodging resistance, and puts forward the relevant countermeasures to raise the capacity of rice lodging resistance. On the basis of the existing research, the main directions of rice lodging resistance breeding, cultivation and molecular mechanism research in the new era are prospected in order to provide references for rice lodging resistance researchers.
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