查看全文    HTML 广东南雄和新会农田鼠情监测结果分析
Analysis of Monitoring Result of Farmland Rodents inNanxiong City and Xinhui District, Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 农田害鼠  鼠种组成  种群数量  群落结构  生物量  栖息地
英文关键词: farmland rodent  rodent species composition  population size  community structure  biomass  habitat
摘要点击次数: 1130
全文下载次数: 528
      【目的】掌握广东典型农田区域鼠情发生情况及不同栖息环境的鼠类群落结构特征差异,为广 东农田鼠害防控提供依据。【方法】采用夹夜法在粤北地区的韶关南雄和珠三角地区的江门新会 2 个监测点开 展连续 3 年的农田鼠情监测,量化分析鼠种组成、种群数量及群落生物量结构等现状,并比较不同栖息环境的 鼠类群落结构特征差异。【结果】3 年总捕获率为 6.37%,836 只捕获个体分属 5 种鼠类。其中黄毛鼠捕获数 (589 只)和生物量(322.34 g/ 百夹夜)皆占据优势。监测点农田鼠类基本群落结构可概括为“黄毛鼠 + 板 齿鼠 + 卡氏小鼠 + 褐家鼠 + 黄胸鼠”。鼠类种群数量逐月动态呈双峰型,每年有 2 个高峰期(1 月和 11 月) 和 2 个低谷期(4 月和 7 月)。冬季鼠类种群密度最高,平均捕获率为 7.17(±2.49)%;春季最低,平均捕获率 为 4.86(±2.21)%。南雄监测点鼠类种群密度和生物量(8.38%±5.05%,727.92 g/ 百夹夜)显著高于新会监测点 (4.88%±4.28%,472.52 g/ 百夹夜),2 个监测点在鼠种组成、种群数量及群落生物量结构上亦存在显著差异。 【结论】农田鼠类种群数量在不同月份、不同季节、不同地点皆存在明显差异。需提高农田鼠类监测及早期预 警的准确度,并根据种植结构、栖息地条件的变化调整防控策略,以实现新形势下鼠害的可持续治理。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to understand the rodent infestation in typical farmlands and the difference of rodent community structure in different habitats of Guangdong Province, with a view to providing basis for the prevention and control of rodents in Guangdong. 【Method】Night trapping method was used to monitor rodents for three consecutive years at two monitoring sites: Nanxiong City in northern Guangdong and Xinhui District in Pearl River Delta. Quantitative analysis of the rodent species composition, population size and community biomass structure was conducted. In addition, the differences of rodent community structures in different habitats were compared.【Result】The total captured rate in 3 years was 6.37%. A total of 836 captured individuals belonged to 5 species of rodents. Both captured number (589 individuals) and biomass (322.34 g/100 trap nights) of Rattus losea were dominant in those 5 species. The basic species composition of rodent community in farmlands of monitoring sites was“Rattus losea + Bandicota indica + Mus caroli + Rattus norvegicus + Rattus tanezumi”. The monthly dynamics of rodent population showed a bimodal pattern, with two peaks (in January and November) and two valleys (in April and July) every year. The highest rodent population density season was winter, and the average captured rate was 7.17 (±2.49)%. While the spring was the lowest rodent population density season with the average captured rate of 4.86 (±2.21)%. The rodent population density and biomass at Nanxiong monitoring site (8.38%±5.05%, 727.92 g/100 trap nights) were significantly higher than those at Xinhui monitoring site (4.88%±4.28%, 472.52 g/100 trap nights). There also were significant differences in species composition, population size and community biomass structure between the two monitoring sites.【Conclusion】There are significant differences in farmland rodent population size in different months, different seasons, and at different sites. To achieve sustainable rodent pest management under the new circumstances, it is needed to enhance the accuracy of monitoring and early warning, and to constantly adjust the control strategies according to the changing planting structure and habitat conditions.
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