白永亮,林柔敏,吴采瑛,何伟俊,曾 荣,夏 雨.基于黄酮积累的苦荞萌发工艺优化及其抗氧化活性研究[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(4):135-142
查看全文    HTML 基于黄酮积累的苦荞萌发工艺优化及其抗氧化活性研究
Optimization of Germination Process and Antioxidant Activity of Fagopyrum tataricum Based on Flavones Accumulation
中文关键词: 苦荞  萌发  黄酮  可见分光光度法  正交试验  抗氧化活性
英文关键词: Fagopyrum tataricum  germination  flavone  visible spectrophotometry  orthogonal experiment  antioxidant activity
白永亮,林柔敏,吴采瑛,何伟俊,曾 荣,夏 雨  
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      【目的】以总黄酮含量作为指标,优化苦荞的萌发工艺,探究其体外抗氧化活性。【方法】通 过单因素试验,研究光照强度、萌发温度、萌发时间和相对湿度对萌发苦荞总黄酮含量的影响。在单因素基础 上,通过正交试验设计优化苦荞的萌发工艺。比较萌发前后苦荞中主要黄酮类化合物的变化,并以 DPPH·自 由基清除率、亚铁还原能力(FRAP)以及 ABTS+ ·自由基清除率为评价指标,研究其体外抗氧化活性的变化。 【结果】苦荞最优萌发工艺条件为光照强度 7 500 lx、萌发温度 25 ℃、相对湿度 80%、萌发时间 48 h,该条件 下苦荞的黄酮含量为 7.489%、较萌发前提高 5.927 个百分点,其中金丝桃苷、芦丁和 4'-O- 葡萄糖苷牡荆素含 量显著提高;萌发后苦荞的 DPPH·自由基清除率为 54.39%、ABTS+ ·自由基清除率为 52.12%、FRAP 还原能力 为 64.87%,比萌发前均有显著提高。【结论】苦荞种子萌发有利于提高其黄酮含量和抗氧化活性,可用于苦荞 功能性产品的开发,促进苦荞的高值化利用。
      【Objective】With the total flavone content as an index, the germination process of Fagopyrum tataricum was optimized to explore the antioxidant activity in vitro.【Method】The effects of light intensity, germination temperature, germination time and relative humidity on the content of total flavones in F. tataricum were investigated by single factor experiment. On the basis of single factor, the germination process of F. tataricum was optimized by orthogonal experimental design. Changes of main flavones in F. tataricum before and after germination were compared. The evaluation indexes are based on the clearance rate of DPPH·free radical and hydroxyl radical, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and ABTS+ ·free radical scavenging ability, the changes of its antioxidant activity in vitro of F. tataricum were studied. 【Result】The germination conditions of F. tataricum were the optimal under light intensity of 7 500 lx, germination temperature of 25 ℃ , germination time of 48 h and relative humidity of 80%. Under these conditions, the content of flavones in F. tataricum was 7.489%, an increase of 5.927 compared with that before germination. And the contents of hyperoside, rutin and 4'-O-glucosylvitexin were increased significantly. After germination, the DPPH·free radical clearance rate of F. tataricum was 54.39%, the ABTS+ ·free radical scavenging rate was 52.12%, and the FRAP reducing ability was 64.87%, which were significantly higher than those before germination.【Conclusion】Germination is beneficial to improve the flavone content and antioxidant activity of F. tataricum, which can be used for the development of functional products of F. tataricum and promote the high-value utilization of F. tataricum.
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