魏 超,江嘉纯,温 馨,王美容.不同温度处理方式对芥菜型油菜种子萌发与活力的影响研究[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(5):19-26
查看全文    HTML 不同温度处理方式对芥菜型油菜种子萌发与活力的影响研究
Studies on Effects of Different Temperature Treatmentson Seed Germination and Vitality of Brassica juncea
中文关键词: 芥菜型油菜  低温  发芽率  幼苗活力  种子休眠
英文关键词: Brassica juncea  low temperature  germination rate  seedling vigor  seed dormancy
魏 超,江嘉纯,温 馨,王美容  
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      【目的】芥菜型油菜是一种重要蔬菜,可以直接食用和加工,具有较高经济价值。芥菜型油菜种 子收获后可能具有休眠现象,不利于农业生产,研究芥菜型油菜种子的萌发特性和活力指标有利于掌握其种子 的生理规律并适时种植。【方法】以 2017 年和 2020 年两个年份收获的芥菜型油菜种子为试验材料,分析 25℃ (CK)、4℃和 -10℃不同处理时长下种子发芽率、成苗数、幼苗长度、平均发芽时间和幼苗活力指数等指标, 研究温度处理与种子活力与休眠的关系。【结果】2017 年收获种子不存在休眠,2020 年收获种子存在休眠,且 2017 年收获种子的各项活力指标均极显著低于 2020 年收获种子,其中 2017 年收获种子发芽率不足 20%、幼苗 活力指数不足 1.5,而 2020 年收获种子发芽率在 60% 以上、幼苗活力指数在 5 以上,而且 -10℃处理能将 2020 年收获种子的发芽率提高到 80% 以上。【结论】4℃ 24 h 短时间处理不利于芥菜型油菜种子萌发,-10℃冷冻干 燥条件下有利于打破种子休眠、提高种子活力,种子保存年限以 1 年内为佳。
      【Objective】As an important vegetable, Brassica juncea has high economic value due to its edible and processed characters. However, the possible seed dormancy after harvesting is harmful to agricultural production, hence, studies on seed germination and vigor may contribute to understanding the physiological rules and timely sawing of B. juncea seeds.【Method】In order to study the relationship between temperature and seed vigor and dormancy, B. juncea seeds harvested in 2017 and 2020 were used to analyze indexes of seed germination, seedling number, seedling length, mean germination time (MGT), and seedling vigor index (SVI) at 25℃ (CK), 4℃ and -10℃ with different treatment time. 【Result】 Seeds harvested in 2017 (hereinafter called 2017 seeds) had no dormancy but seeds harvested in 2020 (hereinafter called 2020 seeds) did have instead. And vigor indexes of 2020 seeds were extremely higher than those of 2017 seeds. The germination rate of 2017 seeds was less than 20%, and SVI was less than 1.5, however, the germination rate of 2020 seeds was higher than 60%, and SVI was more than 5. Especially, the germination rate of 2020 seeds was increased to 80% under -10℃ treatment.【Conclusion】Short time (24 h) treatment at 4℃ was adverse to seed germination of B. juncea seeds, but -10℃ treatment under dry condition was beneficial to breaking seed dormancy and raising seed vigor. Finally, seed storage time should be controlled in 1 year.
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