李德伟,罗亚伟,黄振文,李. 涛,梁菊菊,谢. 文,覃振强.3 种杀虫剂喷雾和灌根施药对番茄烟粉虱种群的控制作用[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(7):89-96
查看全文    HTML 3 种杀虫剂喷雾和灌根施药对番茄烟粉虱种群的控制作用
Control Effects of Three Insecticide Sprays and Root Irrigation on Population of Tomato Bemisia tabaci
中文关键词: 杀虫剂  烟粉虱  番茄  防治  施药方式
英文关键词: insecticide  Bemisia tabaci  tomato  prevention and control  application method
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD1002100);广西农业科学院基本科研业务专项(桂农科 2021YT013)
李德伟,罗亚伟,黄振文,李. 涛,梁菊菊,谢. 文,覃振强  
摘要点击次数: 888
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      【目的】研究呋虫胺、溴氰虫酰胺、螺虫乙酯 3 种药剂在广西区域控制番茄烟粉虱的效果及其施用 方法,为广西番茄烟粉虱的防治提供参考。【方法】在露地和温室比较呋虫胺、溴氰虫酰胺、螺虫乙酯 3 种药剂 通过喷雾和灌根施药对番茄烟粉虱种群的控制作用。【结果】在露地番茄试验中,药后 3~21 d 不同处理间烟粉 虱成、若虫虫口密度无显著差异,均低于 0.53 头 / 叶;而药后 42 d,溴氰虫酰胺喷雾处理烟粉虱成虫虫口密度为 0.63 头 / 叶,显著低于空白对照的 1.41 头 / 叶。药后 28~42 d,不同处理间烟粉虱若虫虫口密度存在显著差异;呋 虫胺、溴氰虫酰胺、螺虫乙酯喷雾及溴氰虫酰胺 3 倍药量灌根处理烟粉虱若虫虫口密度均低于 0.31 头 / 叶。在大 棚温室内,使用溴氰虫酰胺或螺虫乙酯喷雾后 28、42 d 成虫和若虫的虫口密度均显著低于空白对照,其药后 28 d 若虫虫口密度分别为 0.33、0 头 / 叶,而空白对照若虫虫口密度达 2.85 头 / 叶。【结论】溴氰虫酰胺对烟粉虱种 群有较好且稳定的控制作用,呋虫胺在露地番茄上喷雾处理对烟粉虱表现出较好的防治效果,而螺虫乙酯在大棚 温室喷雾处理对番茄烟粉虱防治表现出较好的长效作用。在相同剂量下,溴氰虫酰胺和螺虫乙酯采用喷雾施药对 番茄烟粉虱种群的控制比灌根施药效果好;加大溴氰虫酰胺灌根药量可提高其对番茄烟粉虱种群的控制效果。
      【Objective】The study aimed to explore the effects and application methods of dinotefuran, cyantraniliprole and spirotetramat in the control of Bemisia tabaci in Guangxi region, with a view to providing references for the control of B. tabaci in Guangxi. 【Method】The control effects of dinotefuran, cyantraniliprole and spirotetramat on B. tabaci population on tomatoes in open field and greenhouse were compared by spraying and root irrigation.【Result】In open field tomato experiment, after treatment for 3 to 21 days, there was no significant difference in adult and nymph population density of B. tabaci among different treatments, which was lower than 0.53 whiteflies per leaf. After being treated with cyantraniliprole spray for 42 days, the adult population density of B. tabaci was 0.63 whiteflies per leaf, which was significantly lower than of that of the treatment without spraying any insecticide (CK) (1.41whiteflies per leaf). There were significant differences in the population density of B. tabaci nymphs among different treatments after treatment for 28 to 42 days. The population density of B. tabaci nymphs treated with dinotefuran, cyantraniliprole and spirotetramat or root irrigation with 3 times the amount of cyantraniliprole was lower than 0.31 whiteflies per leaf after treatment for 28 to 42 days. In the greenhouse, the cyantraniliprole or spirotetramat had a good control effect on the adults and nymphs of B. tabaci, especially in the 28 d and 42 d after spraying, the population density of adults and nymphs was significantly lower than that of CK. The nymph densities of were 0.33 whiteflies per leaf and 0 whitefly per leaf after being treated cyantraniliprole and spirotetramat for 28 days, while the density of nymphs in CK was 2.85 whiteflies leaf.【Conclusion】Cyantraniliprole had a good and stable control effect on the population of B. tabaci. The spray treatment with dinotefuran showed a good effect on B. tabaci on tomatoes in open field, while the spray treatment with spirotetramat in greenhouse showed a good long-term effect on the control of B. tabaci. At the same dose, the control effect of cyantraniliprole and spirotetramat on B. tabaci population by spraying was generally better than that by root irrigation. The control effect of cyantraniliprole on B. tabaci population could be improved by increasing the amount of root irrigation.
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