董景芳 1,李学忠 1,2,张少红 1,刘 斌 1,赵均良 1,杨梯丰1.水稻籼粳性特异分子标记的筛选与判别体系的建立[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(9):10-19
查看全文    HTML 水稻籼粳性特异分子标记的筛选与判别体系的建立
Screening of Indica-Japonica Specific Molecular Markers and Establishment of Discrimination System
中文关键词: 分子标记  籼粳性  籼粳判别  聚类分析  籼性判别值  水稻
英文关键词: molecular markers  indica-japonica nature  indica-japonica discrimination  cluster analysis  indica discrimination value  rice
基金项目:广 东 省 重 点 领 域 研 发 计 划 项 目(2022B0202060002); 广 州 市 基 础 与 应 用 基 础 研 究 项 目(202102021006);广东省农业科学院水稻研究所“优谷计划”(所长基金)(2021YG10)
董景芳 1,李学忠 1,2,张少红 1,刘 斌 1,赵均良 1,杨梯丰1 1. 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所 / 广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室 / 广东省水稻工程实验室 /农业农村部华南优质稻遗传育种重点实验室广东 广州 5106402. 仲恺农业工程学院农业与生物学院广东 广州 510225 
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      【目的】准确区分水稻的籼粳性在籼粳亚种杂种优势利用和进化研究等方面具有重要意义。根据在籼稻和粳稻中存在的核苷酸序列差异设计的分子标记,已被广泛应用于水稻籼粳性的判别中。但是已公布的这些籼粳性判别分子标记在遗传背景多样的实验材料中是否仍然表现出籼粳特异性尚未可知;此外,目前籼粳性的判别多是基于待测品系与 2 个对照品种的比较,无法反映待测品系与籼(粳)亚种群体的籼粳相似性。因此,需要筛选出一套能在多样性遗传材料中都表现出籼粳性特异的分子标记,并建立籼粳组群判别体系客观判别水稻的籼粳性。【方法】在能代表世界水稻遗传多样性的水稻多样性种质平台 2(RDP2)中,利用 7 万个 SNP分子标记的基因型,选取保留群体遗传多样性的 92 份水稻品种(系),对已知的 51 对用于籼粳性判别的分子标记进行筛选;并根据籼粳特异性分子标记的聚类结果,选取 5 份籼稻和 5 份粳稻组成籼稻和粳稻判别组,利用籼性判别值量化水稻籼粳性。【结果】在 51 对分子标记中筛选到 24 对籼粳特异性强的分子标记(在籼 / 粳稻群中出现专一带型的频率均高于 69.5%),它们均匀分布在水稻 12 条染色体上。根据籼粳特异分子标记的带型结果,92 份品种(系)可分为籼稻和粳稻 2 个组群,聚类结果与这些品种(系)已知的籼粳性完全吻合。根据聚类结果,构建了组群判别体系,随机选取 10 份品种(系)对其籼性判别值进行计算,其中 1 份偏籼品系、1 份偏粳品系、4 份籼稻品系、4 份粳稻品系,准确地实现了对其籼粳性的量化判别。【结论】筛选出一套可在 遗传背景丰富的材料中进行籼粳性鉴定的分子标记,并基于籼粳组群建立了一套籼粳判别体系,高效准确判别水稻的籼粳性。
      【Objective】Accurate differentiation of indica-japonica nature in rice is of great importance in the aspects of advantage utilization and evolutionary studies of indica-japonica subspecies hybrids. Molecular markers designed based on nucleotide sequence differences between indica rice and japonica rice have been widely used to discriminate indica-japonica in rice. However, it remains unclear whether these published molecular markers for indica-japonica discrimination still show indica-japonica specificity in experimental materials with diverse genetic backgrounds; moreover, the current indica-japonica discrimination is mostly based on the comparison between the line to be tested and two control varieties, which cannot reflect the indica-japonica similarity between the line to be tested and the indica (japonica) subspecies population. Therefore, it is necessary to screen a set of molecular markers that can show indica-japonica specificity in all diverse genetic materials and to establish an indica-japonica group discrimination system to objectively discriminate indica-japonica in rice.【Method】In the Rice Diversity Germplasm Platform 2 (RDP2), which represents the genetic diversity of rice in the world, 92 rice varieties (lines) we selected that retained population genetic diversity based on the genotypes of 70000 SNP molecular markers, and screened 51 pairs of previously reported molecular markers for indica-japonica discrimination; and selected 5 indica rice and 5 japonica rice to form indica and japonica discrimination groups based on the clustering results of indica-japonica-specific molecular markers, and used indica discrimination values to quantify rice indica-japonica.【Result】Twenty-four pairs of indica-japonicaspecific molecular markers were screened out of 51 pairs (both indica/japonica rice clusters showed specific band types with a frequency of higher than 69.5%), which were evenly distributed on 12 chromosomes of rice. Based on the banding results of the indica-japonica-specific molecular markers, a clustering analysis of indica-japonica nature was performed. Ninety-two varieties (lines) could be divided into 2 clusters of indica and japonica rice; and the clustering results were in perfect consitant with the known indica-japonica nature of these varieties (lines). Based on the clustering results, a cluster discrimination system was constructed and indica discrimination values were calculated for 10 randomly selected varieties (lines). Among them, there were 1 indica-leaning line, 1 japonica-leaning line, 4 indica lines and 4 japonica lines, and the quantitative discrimination of their indica-japonica nature was accurately achieved.【Conclusion】In this study, we screened a set of molecular markers for indica-japonica identification in materials with rich genetic background, and established an indica-japonica discrimination system based on indica-japonica clusters, which can be used to discriminate indica-japonica of rice efficiently and accurately.
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