潘俊峰 1,崔克辉 2,刘彦卓 1,王昕钰 1,2,严博宇 1,2,梁开明 1.利用高密度 Bin 图谱定位水稻叶绿素含量 QTL[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(9):132-140
查看全文    HTML 利用高密度 Bin 图谱定位水稻叶绿素含量 QTL
Mapping of QTL for Chlorophyll Content in Rice on High-Density Bin Map
中文关键词: 水稻  重组自交系  高密度 Bin 图谱  叶绿素含量  QTL
英文关键词: rice  recombinant inbred line  high-density Bin map  chlorophyll content  QTL
潘俊峰 1,崔克辉 2,刘彦卓 1,王昕钰 1,2,严博宇 1,2,梁开明 1 1. 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所 / 广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室 / 广东省水稻工程实验室 /农业农村部华南优质稻遗传育种重点实验室广东 广州 5106402. 华中农业大学植物科技学院 / 作物遗传改良国家重点实验室 / 农业农村部长江中游作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室湖北 武汉 430070 
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      【目的】探索水稻叶绿素含量及其对氮肥响应的遗传机理,为氮高效、高光效的水稻品种培育提供新的标记区段。【方法】以珍汕 97× 明恢 63 重组自交系 RIL(F11)113 个家系为 QTL 分析的试验材料,在大田栽培条件下,以施氮量为主区、家系为裂区,设计低氮处理(不施氮肥)和正常氮处理(纯氮130、135 kg/hm2),分别于水稻移栽后 30 d 测定 1.5 叶的 SPAD 值,于抽穗期测定剑叶的 SPAD 值。利用包含1 619 个 Bin 标记的高密度遗传图谱,使用 IciMapping V3.4 软件和完备区间作图法,定位控制水稻叶片叶绿素含量的 QTL。【结果】在两年、两个氮处理和两个发育时期共检测到 15 个调控叶片叶绿素含量的 QTL,分别分布在第 1、2、3、6、7、10、11 号染色体上。单一 QTL 贡献率为 1.21%~40.74%。通过物理位置比较,发现其中 6个 QTL 已经被克隆或与前人定位到的叶绿素含量相关位点在同一区间。其中,在第 6 染色体的 8.45~9.12 Mb 处定位到 1 个调控抽穗期剑叶叶绿素的位点,命名为 qHDCHL6-1,该位点在两年和两个氮处理下均被检测到,贡献率为 1.55%~28.01%。结合功能注释,共筛选到 4 个与叶绿素代谢密切相关的基因,分别为 LOC_Os06g15370(OsNPF3.1)、LOC_Os06g15420(OsAS2)、LOC_Os06g15620(GAST)和 LOC_Os06g15590,其中前 3 个基因已被鉴定克隆。【结论】共检测到 15 个控制水稻移栽后 30 d 和抽穗期叶片叶绿素含量的 QTL,鉴定了 1 个稳定表达的 QTL 位点 qHDCHL6-1,在该区间筛选到 4 个候选基因。
      【Objective】The research explored the genetic mechanism for regulating chlorophyll content and its response to nitrogen (N) fertilizer in rice, and provide new molecular marker segments for breeding of high-yield and nitrogenefficient rice varieties.【Method】The 113 family lines of ZS 97 × MH 63 recombinant inbred lines (RIL, F11) were adopted as tested materials for QTL analysis. Field experiments were performed with split-plot design, N fertilizer rate being the main plots and RIL being subplots. The low N (no N) and normal N (130, 135 N kg/hm2) fertilizer treatments were established in the fields. The chlorophyll meter was used to determine SPAD values of leaves at 30 days after transplanting (30 DAT) and at heading (HD) stage. By using a high-density genetic map containing 1 619 Bin markers, IciMappingv3.4 software and complete interval mapping, QTL for controlling leaf chlorophyll content at two growth stages was mapped.【Result】In two N treatments at two growth stages within two years, a total of 15 QTLs for controlling leaf chlorophyll content were detected and they were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11. Each single QTL could explain 1.21%-40.74% of genetic contributions to traits. Through comparison of their physical loci, 6 QTLs were found to have been cloned or have the same loci being known previously for chlorophyll content. Among them, a locus, named qHDCHL6-1, regulating the chlorophyll content of flag leaf at heading stage was detected at 8.45-9.12Mb of chromosome 6. It was stably detected under two N treatments in two years, which explained 1.55%-28.01% of contributions to traits. Through functional annotation, 4 candidate genes related to chlorophyll content of flag leaf were found in the qHDCHL6-1 chromosome interval. These genes were LOC_Os06g15370 (OsNPF3.1), LOC_Os06g15420 (OsAS2), LOC_Os06g15620 (GAS) and LOC_Os06g15590, and the first three of these genes have been cloned【Conclusion】15 QTLs controlling leaf chlorophyll content of rice at 30 DAT and HD stage are detected, and a QTL locus qHDCHL6-1 with stable expression was identified, which contains 4 candidate genes.
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