,李 颖 1
,孙启迪 2
,徐小万 1 ,衡 周 1 ,李 涛 1 ,王恒明 1.辣椒种质材料疫病抗性鉴评及遗传多样性分析[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(10):19-28 |
辣椒种质材料疫病抗性鉴评及遗传多样性分析 |
Resistance Evaluation and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Phytophthora Disease in Pepper Germplasm Materials |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2022.10.003 |
中文关键词: 辣椒 聚类分析 辣椒疫病 抗性鉴评 SSR 标记 |
英文关键词: pepper cluster analysis Phytophthora disease resistance evaluation SSR marker |
基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2021A1515012132,2020A1515011330);广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(粤桂联合基金)(2020A1515410005);贵州省自然科学基金(黔科合基础〔2018〕1184) |
摘要点击次数: 1078 |
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中文摘要: |
辣椒抗疫病育种改良提供参考。【方法】采用改良后的辣椒疫病灌根接种法鉴定了 96 份辣椒种质材料的疫病抗
性水平,并利用全基因组筛选出的 20 个 SSR 分子标记对其进行遗传多样性分析。【结果】供试 96 份辣椒种质
材料中,免疫材料仅 1 份,高抗材料有 6 份,抗病材料有 24 份,感病和高感材料 分别有 53 份和 12 份,与田间
表现基本一致。遗传多样性分析结果显示,20 个 SSR 分子标记共检测出 79 个等位基因位点,每个标记检测到
的等位基因数为 2~9 个,平均等位基因数为 3.95 个;Shannon 信息指数在 0.2992~1.9893 之间,平均值为 0.9513,
表明所选用的 20 个 SSR 分子标记遗传多态性较高;Nei’s 遗传多样性指数在 0.1614~0.8440 之间,平均值为 0.5259,
表明材料间遗传多样性高。聚类分析结果显示,在遗传距离 0.37 处可以将供试材料分为 3 个大类群,分别包含
3、14、79 份材料,另外还有 8 组材料间的遗传距离接近为 0。【结论】改良后的辣椒疫病灌根接种法适用于辣
椒疫病鉴定,其结果与田间表现基本一致,且更简便。筛选出的 20 个 SSR 分子标记遗传多态性较高,适用于辣
椒种质材料的遗传多样性分析。96 份辣椒种质材料来源丰富,但存在同质材料,在种质保存时可以适当舍弃部
分材料。 |
英文摘要: |
【Objective】The study was carried out to understand the Phytophthora disease resistance and genetic
diversity of pepper germplasm materials, and to provide references for the establishment of core pepper germplasm bank
and improvement of pepper Phytophthora disease resistance breeding.【Method】The Phytophthora disease resistance of
96 pepper germplasm materials was evaluated by using modified root irrigation inoculation method and the genetic diversity
of them with 20 SSR molecular markers selected from the whole genome were analyzed. 【Result】The results show that
there was only 1 immune material, 6 highly resistant, 24 resistant, 53 susceptible and 12 highly susceptible materials among the 96 materials, which were basically consistent with the field performance. The results of genetic diversity analysis showed
that a total of 79 alleles were detected among 20 SSR markers, with 2-9 alleles per marker and an average of 3.95 alleles.
Shannon’s index ranged from 0.2992 to 1.9893, with an average of 0.9513, indicating that the genetic polymorphism of the 20
SSR molecular markers selected was high. Nei’s genetic diversity index ranged from 0.1614 to 0.8440, with an average of 0.5259,
indicating high genetic diversity among materials. Cluster analysis results showed that the tested materials could be divided into
three groups at the genetic distance of 0.37, including 3, 14 and 79 materials, respectively. Additionally, the genetic distance
among 8 groups of materials was close to 0. 【Conclusion】The improved root irrigation inoculation method is suitable for
the identification of pepper Phytophthora disease, and the results are basically consistent with those of the field performance.
Moreover, it is more convenient. The genetic polymorphisms of the 20 SSR molecular markers selected are high and suitable
for genetic diversity analysis of pepper germplasms. The 96 pepper germplasm materials are rich in resources, but there are
homogeneous materials, and some materials should be discarded properly during germplasm preservation. |
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