房元杰 1, 2,张晓爱 1 ,莫敏莹 1 ,邓紫璇 1 ,施炜涛 1 ,魏文康 1, 3.植物提取物活性成分抗伪狂犬病毒研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(11):57-65
查看全文    HTML 植物提取物活性成分抗伪狂犬病毒研究进展
Research Progress in Active Components of Plant ExtractsResistant to Pseudorabies Virus
中文关键词: 伪狂犬病毒  植物提取物  天然活性成分  天然抗病植物性药物  多酚  多糖  生物碱
英文关键词: pseudorabies virus  plant extracts  natural active ingredients  natural disease-resistant plant drugs  polyphenols  polysaccharides  alkaloids
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(32002287);茂名实验室科研启动项目(2021TDQD002);广东省农业科学院 创新基金产业专项(202134)
房元杰 1, 2,张晓爱 1 ,莫敏莹 1 ,邓紫璇 1 ,施炜涛 1 ,魏文康 1, 3 1. 广东省农业科学院农业生物基因研究中心 / 广东省农作物种质资源保存与利用重点实验室 广东 广州 5106402. 仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院广东 广州 510225 3. 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室茂名分中心广东 茂名 525000 
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      伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病毒感染引起患病动物发热、脑脊髓炎、多器官功能衰竭、瘫痪等症状为主 的热性传染病。该病的病原为包膜 DNA 病毒,猪是其唯一的天然储存库,其对宿主具有极强的抵御能力,且能 攻击宿主的神经系统。伪狂犬病的流行严重危害我国养猪业,因此被列入我国优先控制、需净化疾病之列。目 前针对猪伪狂犬病的主要防治手段之一是疫苗接种,但病毒易发生变异产生新毒株导致疫苗免疫效果下降,难 以提供完全保护,因此寻找和开发新的药物防治伪狂犬病至关重要。植物提取物中含有许多天然活性成分,如 多酚、多糖、生物碱等,这些成分不仅具有抗菌活性、抗氧化特性以及抗毒素等性质,对动物疾病也具有一定 的治疗效果,这些活性成分具备多功能、副作用小等优点,能有效保障生猪养殖生产的安全。介绍了植物提取 物活性成分,重点综述了植物提取物不同活性成分对伪狂犬病毒的抗病毒作用,并探讨了应用前景,以期对未 来天然抗病植物性新型药物开发研究提供参考。
      Pseudorabies is a hot infectious disease, which can cause fever, encephalomyelitis, multiple organ failure, paralysis and other symptoms in infected animals. The pathogen of the disease is enveloped DNA virus, and pig is the only natural repository, which has strong resistance to the host and can attack the nervous system of the host. The prevalence of pseudorabies seriously harms the pig industry in China, therefore, it is listed among the diseases that need priority control and purification in China. At present, one of the main prevention and control measures against pseudorabies in pigs is vaccination. However, the virus is prone to mutate to produce new strains, which leads to the decline of the immune effect of the vaccine, and difficult to provide complete protection. Therefore, it is very important to find and develop new drugs as substitutes for the prevention and control of pseudorabies. There are many natural active ingredients in plant extracts, such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, alkaloids, and etc. These ingredients not only have antibacterial activity, antioxidant properties and antitoxin properties, but also have certain therapeutic effects on animal diseases. These active ingredients possess the advantages of multifunction and less side effects, which can effectively guarantee the safety of pig breeding and production. In the study, the active components of plant extracts are briefly summarized, the antiviral effects of different active components of plant extracts on pseudorabies virus are emphatically summarized, and the application prospects are discussed in order to provide references for the research and development of novel plant drugs.
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