李忠金,许 岱,谢沛丽,姚润沐,王 新,廖学群,张建林,张泽佳.6 个汕恢系列恢复系主要农艺性状的配合力分析[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(12):1-9
查看全文    HTML 6 个汕恢系列恢复系主要农艺性状的配合力分析
Analysis on Combining Ability of Main Agronomic Traits to 6 Shanhui Rice Restorer Lines
中文关键词: 水稻  恢复系  不完全双列杂交  农艺性状  配合力  遗传力
英文关键词: rice  restorer line  incomplete diallel cross  agronomic trait  combining ability  heritability
基金项目:2021 年广东省科技专项资金(“大专项 + 任务清单”)(210701146871241)
李忠金,许 岱,谢沛丽,姚润沐,王 新,廖学群,张建林,张泽佳 汕头市农业科学研究所广东 汕头 515041 
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      【目的】分析新育 6 个恢复系主要农艺性状的配合力、遗传力,评估其应用价值。【方法】选用 6 个新育汕恢系列恢复系和 5 个三系不育系,按 6×5 不完全双列杂交设计,配制 30 个水稻杂交组合,分析 8 个水稻主要农艺性状的配合力及遗传力。【结果】单株产量、株高和有效穗数的恢复系 GCA 基因型方差贡献率大于不育系比值,水稻杂交组合单株产量、株高和有效穗数的表型主要取决于恢复系的遗传;生育期、结实率、穗长和单株产量的 GCA 基因型方差贡献率均小于 50% 且与广义遗传力差值较大,受非加性效应的影响较大,千粒重、株高、有效穗数和总粒数的 GCA 基因型方差贡献率均大于 55%,主要受基因加性效应影响,其中千粒重与株高的狭义遗传力最大、分别为 80.99% 和 76.03%,在后代遗传的稳定性好,可在低世代进行选择;亲本一般配合力和组合特殊配合力之间无明显的相关性。恢复系 SR02 与 SR04 表现优异,依据亲本利用价值分类方法,SR02 在单株产量上表现为Ⅰ类亲本,在结实率和千粒重上表现为Ⅱ类亲本,该恢复系在育种实践中易组配出大粒高产的杂交组合;SR04 在单株产量、有效穗数、总粒数以及结实率方面均表现为Ⅱ类亲本,表明其较易组配出多穗型高产杂交组合,且 SR04 在一般配合力分析中还表现出一定的抗倒潜力;杂交组合天丰 A×SR01、金恒A×SR06 和金恒 A×SR03 单株重 SCA 效应值最高,分别为 26.320、26.049 和 20.723,具有良好的利用价值。【结论】在杂交水稻育种实践中,选择亲本时除了注重选择高配合力亲本外,还需加强对组合特殊配合力的筛选,同时根据亲本遗传特性,遵循扬长避短、性状互补的原则设计杂交水稻的亲本搭配;杂交水稻在单株产量、株高和有效穗数上的遗传主要受恢复系影响,SR02 与 SR04 是较优异的恢复系亲本,具有良好的应用价值;杂交组合天丰 A×SR01、金恒 A×SR06 和金恒 A×SR03 在的产量性状具有较好的特殊配合力,具有良好的应用前景。
      【Objective】The combining ability and heritability of main agronomic traits of 6 rice restorer lines were analyzed and their application value was evaluated.【Method】6 new rice restorer lines of Shanhui series and 5 three-line sterile lines were selected and 30 hybrid rice combinations were prepared according to the 6×5 incomplete diallel cross design. And combining ability and heritability of 8 main agronomic traits were analyzed.【Result】The contribution rate of GCA genotype variance of restorer line was higher than that of sterile line in yield per plant, plant height and effective panicle number, therefore, the phenotypes of yield per plant, plant height and effective panicle number of hybrid rice combinations were mainly determined by the inheritance of restorer line. Growth period, seed setting rate, panicle length and yield per plant showed lower contribution rate of GCA genotype variance (lower than 50%), therefore, the 4 traits would be mainly influenced by non-additive effect in breeding practice; 1000-grain weight, plant height, effective panicle number and total grain number showed higher contribution rate of GCA genotype variance (higher than 55%), therefore, they are mainly affected by additive effects of genes. The narrow heritability of 1000-grain weight and plant height was 80.99% and 76.03%, which showed good stability in offspring and could be selected in low generation in breeding practice. There was no obvious correlation between GCA and SCA. Both SR02 and SR04 were elite restorer lines. According to the parent utilization value classification method, SR02 would be easy to create large-grain and high-yield hybrid rice combinations in breeding practice, which showed as Class I parent in yield per plant and Class Ⅱ parent in seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight; SR04, showed as Class Ⅱ parent in yield per plant, effective panicle number, total grain number and seed setting rate, would be easy to create high-yield hybrid rice combinations with multiple panicles, and SR04 also showed the potential of lodging resistance. New hybrid rice combinations Tianfeng A × SR01, Jinheng A × SR06 and Jinheng A×SR03 showed the highest SCA value in per plant weight, which were 26.320, 26.049 and 20.723, respectively, and all of 3 combinations showed good utilization value.【Conclusion】In the practice of hybrid rice breeding, the selection of parents should not only pay attention to the selection of high GCA parents, but also strengthen the selection of SCA of combinations. At the same time, according to the genetic characteristics of the parents, the design of hybrid rice parental matching should follow the principle of "exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, complementing traits".The inheritance of hybrid rice in yield per plant, plant height and effective panicle number are mainly affected by restorer line. SR02 and SR04 are elite restorer lines, which have good application value. New hybrid rice combinations Tianfeng A × SR01, Jinheng A × SR06 and Jinheng A × SR03 show high SCA value in yield characters, with good application prospects.
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