崔一平 1,彭埃天 1,宋晓兵 1,冯冠杰 2,黄 峰 1,陈 霞1,凌金锋 1,程保平 1.广州市沙田柠檬炭疽病病原菌种类的分子鉴定[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(12):99-109
查看全文    HTML 广州市沙田柠檬炭疽病病原菌种类的分子鉴定
Molecular Identification of Pathogens Causing Anthracnose on Shatian Lemon in Guangzhou City
中文关键词: 沙田柠檬  广州市  炭疽病  果生刺盘孢菌  兰花刺盘孢  暹罗刺盘孢菌
英文关键词: Shatian lemon  Guangzhou City  anthracnose  Colletotrichum fructicola  Colletotrichum cliviicola  Colletotrichum siamense
崔一平 1,彭埃天 1,宋晓兵 1,冯冠杰 2,黄 峰 1,陈 霞1,凌金锋 1,程保平 1 1. 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所 / 农业农村部华南果蔬绿色防控重点实验室 /广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室广东 广州 5106402. 广州市白云区沙田柠檬农产品专业合作社广东 广州 510550 
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      【目的】明确沙田柠檬炭疽病的病原菌种类,为沙田柠檬炭疽病的田间防治提供指导。【方法】对采集的炭疽病样本进行分离纯化培养,获得 ST2-1、ST2-2、ST2-3、ST3-1、ST3-2、ST3-3、ST4-1、ST4-2和 ST4-3 等 9 株沙田柠檬炭疽病病原菌。分别采用针刺和喷洒接种的方法测定上述菌株的致病性,并分别克隆其核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)、β 微管蛋白(TUB2)、钙调蛋白(CAL)、肌动蛋白(ACT)、核糖体大亚基(LSU)、甘油醛 -3- 磷酸脱氢酶(GAPDH)和几丁质合成酶 1(CHS1)基因部分片段进行多基因联合鉴定。【结果】ST2-1、ST2-2、ST2-3、ST3-1、ST3-2、ST3-3、ST4-1、ST4-2 和 ST4-3 均 具 有 较 强 致 病 性, 其 中 ST2-1、ST2-2 和 ST2-3 的生物学特征和进化树表明它们属于暹罗刺盘孢菌(Colletotrichum siamense),ST3-1、ST3-2和 ST3-3 属于兰花刺盘孢菌(Colletotrichum cliviicola),ST4-1、ST4-2 和 ST4-3 属于果生刺盘孢菌(Colletotrichum fructicola)。【结论】综合形态学特征和分子生物学鉴定结果,引起沙田柠檬炭疽病的病原菌有暹罗刺盘孢菌、兰花刺盘孢菌和果生刺盘孢菌,其中暹罗刺盘孢菌仅分离自沙田柠檬发病的果实,兰花刺盘孢菌和果生刺盘孢菌分离自沙田柠檬发病的叶片,其中兰花刺盘孢菌能在柑橘类植物上引起炭疽病为国际上首次报道。
      【Objective】The study aimed to clarify the types of pathogens causing anthracnose on Shatian lemon, with a view to providing guidance for the prevention and control of anthracnose on Shatian lemon in field.【Method】The collected anthracnose samples were isolated and purified, and 9 strains of the pathogens ST2-1, ST2-2, ST2-3, ST3-1, ST3-2, ST3-3, ST4-1, ST4-1, ST4-2,and ST4-3 of anthracnose on Shatian lemon were obtained. Then puncturing and spraying inoculation methods were used to test the pathogenicity of the above strains, and their ITS, TUB2, ACT, LSU, GAPDH and CAL fragments were cloned for multi-gene joint identification.【Result】ST2-1, ST2-2, ST2-3, ST3-1, ST3-2, ST3-3, ST4-1,ST4-2 and ST4-3 are all highly pathogenic. The biological characteristics and phylogenetic tree indicated that ST2-1, ST2-2 and ST2-3 belonged to Colletotrichum siamense, ST3-1, ST3-2 and ST3-3 belonged to Colletotrichum cliviicola, ST4-1, ST4-2 and ST4-3 belonged to Colletotrichum fructicola.【Conclusion】Based on the morphological characteristics and molecular biological identification results, the pathogens causing anthracnose on Shatian lemon in Guangzhou were C. siamense, C.cliviicola and C. fructicola, in which C. siamese was isolated from the diseased fruit of Shatian lemon, C. cliviicola and C. fructicola were isolated from the diseased leaves of Shatian lemon, and it was the first report in the world that C. cliviicola could cause anthracnose on citrus plants.
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