何 帅 1,章雨竹 1,吕念词 2,张以芳 3,柴 俊 3.云南省猪圆环病毒 2 型遗传进化分析[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(12):110-117
查看全文    HTML 云南省猪圆环病毒 2 型遗传进化分析
Genetic Evolution Analysis of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 in Yunnan Province
中文关键词: PCV2  ORF2  进化  突变  流行  感染
英文关键词: PCV2  ORF2  evolution  mutation  prevalence  infection
何 帅 1,章雨竹 1,吕念词 2,张以芳 3,柴 俊 3 1. 眉山职业技术学院云南 眉山 6200102. 云南农业职业技术学院云南 昆明 6500313. 云南农业大学云南 昆明 650201 
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      【目的】调查猪圆环病毒 2 型(PCV2)在云南猪群和牛群中的流行情况,明确云南 PCV2 毒株的遗传变异、分子进化趋势。【方法】采用 PCR 方法对云南省 11 个地区 783 份猪、牛的血液、粪便等样品进行PCV2 病原学检测,对 6 份 PCV2 阳性样品进行全基因组扩增、克隆与序列测定,利用 DNAStar 软件比对分析全基因和 ORF2 氨基酸序列,使用 MEGA 软件绘制遗传进化树。【结果】检测样品的 PCV2 阳性率为 48.73%;共测得 6 株 PCV2 全基因组序列,其中 5 株为 1 767 bp, 1 株为 1 768 bp;经遗传发育分析可知,有 PCV2a 亚型 2 株、PCV2b 亚型 2 株、PCV2d 亚型 2 株;6 株 PCV2 毒株同源性在 94.6%~99.9% 之间,与 GenBank 数据库中 20 条参考株同源性在 91.4%~99.8% 之间;6 株 PCV2 亚型的 ORF2 都有其典型的氨基酸位点,PCV2a 毒株在第 80(V80L)氨基酸位点突变为与 PCV2(b/d)一致,PCV2b 毒株在 59(R59K)、63(K63R)、190(A190T)等氨基酸位点突变与 PCV2d 一致。【结论】PCV2 在云南猪群中普遍存在,以 PCV2a、PCV2b 和 PCV2d 这 3 个基因亚型共存为主,且 PCV2(a/b)有向 PCV2d 突变的趋势,荷斯坦奶牛尚未感染 PCV2。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of porcine circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) in pigs and cattle in Yunnan Province, and to identify the genetic variation and molecular evolution trend of PCV2 strains in Yunnan Province.【Method】PCR method was used to detect the etiology of PCV2 in 783 blood and manure samples of pigs and cattle from 11 regions of Yunnan Province. The whole genome amplification, cloning and sequencing of 6 PCV2 positive samples were carried out. The whole gene and ORF2 amino acid sequences were compared and analyzed by DNAStar software, and the genetic evolution tree was drawn by MEGA software.【Result】The positive rate of PCV2 of detected samples was 48.73%. A total of 6 strain PCV2 genome sequences were measured, of which 5 strain were 1 767 bp and 1 strain was 1 768 bp. The genetic development analysis showed that there were 2 strains of PCV2a subtype, 2 strains of PCV2b subtype and 2 strains of PCV2d subtype. The homology of 6 strains PCV2 was 94.6%-99.9%, and the homology with 20 national reference strains in GenBank database was 91.4 %-99.8 %. The ORF2 of 6 strains PCV2 had their typical amino acid sites. The amino acid site of PCV2a strain was mutated to be consistent with PCV2 (b/d) at the 80th (V80L) amino acid site, and the amino acid site of PCV2b strain was mutated to be consistent with PCV2d at the 59th (R59K), 63rd (K63R), 190th (A190T) and other amino acid sites.【Conclusion】PCV2 commonly exists in pigs in Yunnan, and the three gene subtypes of PCV2a, PCV2b and PCV2d coexist, and PCV2 (a/b) has a tendency to mutate to PCV2d. Holstein cows have not been infected with PCV2.
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