梁俊芬,张 宁,刘 序,周灿芳.新型城镇化对农民收入的影响效应研究——基于珠三角地区市域数据[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(1):116-127
查看全文    HTML 新型城镇化对农民收入的影响效应研究——基于珠三角地区市域数据
Research on the Effect of New Urbanization on Farmers’Income -Based on the Data of Pearl River Delta Region
中文关键词: 新型城镇化  农民收入  固定效应模型  核密度估计  珠三角地区
英文关键词: new urbanization  farmers' income  fixed effect model  kernel density estimation  Pearl River Delta region
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金(2019A1515011982);广东省农业科学院“十四五”新兴学科团队项目(202124TD);广东省农业科学院中青年学科带头人培养计划项目(R2020PY-JG014);佛山市财政专项资金 -2022年高水平广东省农业科技示范市建设项目
梁俊芬,张 宁,刘 序,周灿芳 广东省农业科学院农业经济与信息研究所 /农业农村部华南都市农业重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      【目的】新型城镇化战略为农民增收提供了新契机,通过新型城镇化的具体影响效应调整其作用路径,可更有效地促进农民收入增长。【方法】基于 2010—2021 年珠三角地区的市域面板数据,利用核密度估计分析农民收入的动态演进趋势,运用固定效应模型实证分析新型城镇化水平对农民收入的影响效应。【结果】研究期内,珠三角地区农民收入水平有较大幅度的提升,农民收入来源多元化,工资性收入仍是其主要组成部分,房屋出租等财产性收入成为重要来源,市域间农民收入水平的绝对差距在扩大,农民收入向高值区扩散且空间集聚特征明显;新型城镇化有效地促进农民收入增长,其中经济城镇化对农民收入的促进作用最强。然而,目前珠三角地区的新型城镇化发展仍存在城镇化质量不高、供需不匹配、城乡收入差距大、土地资源紧缺等问题。【结论】建议珠三角各市在深入推进以人为核心的新型城镇化战略时,着力提高农业转移人口市民化质量,促进农业转移人口融入城市;坚持优化本地产业结构,大力发展现代服务业等非农产业,创造更多就业岗位,使城镇化的农民增收效应最大化。
      【Objective】The new urbanization strategies provide new opportunities for farmers to increase their income, and adjusting its action path according to the specific impact of the new urbanization can promote the growth of farmers' income more effectively.【Method】Based on the urban panel data of the Pearl River Delta region from 2010 to 2021, the kernel density estimation was used to analyze the dynamic evolution trend of farmers' income, and the fixedeffect model was used to empirically analyze the impact effect of the new urbanization level on farmers' income.【Result】The results show that during the research period, the farmers' income level in the Pearl River Delta region has increased significantly, the sources of farmers' income are diversified, income from wages and salaries is still the main component, income from property such as housing rental has been an important source, the absolute gap between farmers' income levels between cities is expanding, and the income levels between the urban areas spread to the high value area and the spatial agglomeration characteristic is obvious, and the economic urbanization has the strongest effect on farmers' income. However, at present, the new urbanization development in the Pearl River Delta region still has some problems, such as low quality of urbanization, mismatch between supply and demand, large income gap between urban and rural areas, and shortage of land resources.【Conclusion】It is suggested that when pushing the people-centered urbanization strategy in the Pearl River Delta cities.it should focus on improving the quality of urbanization of agricultural migrants and promoting the integration of agricultural migrants into cities; insist on optimizing the local industrial structure, vigorously developing non-agricultural industries such as modern service industry, and creating more jobs to maximize the farmers' income effect of urbanization.
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