李 翔 1,2,李 涛 2,宫 超 2,黎振兴 2,孙光闻 1.番茄雄性不育研究现状与展望[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(2):49-58
查看全文    HTML 番茄雄性不育研究现状与展望
Current Situation and Prospect of Research on Male Sterility of Tomato
中文关键词: 番茄  雄性不育  基因工程  分子标记  功能验证  杂种优势
英文关键词: tomato  male sterility  genetic engineering  molecular marker  functional verification  heterosis
基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2020B020220001,2020B0202090002);广东省农业科学院科技创新战略专项资金(高水平农科院建设)- 人才项目(R2020PY-JX003);广东省农业科学院院长基金(202030);广东省农业科技创新及推广项目(2022KJ106)
李 翔 1,2,李 涛 2,宫 超 2,黎振兴 2,孙光闻 1 1. 华南农业大学园艺学院广东 广州 5106422. 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 / 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1031
全文下载次数: 947
      Tomato is an important vegetable crop in China, and its yield ranks the top among vegetables in the world. It has important nutritional value, with rich and varied tastes. Plant male sterility is caused by the abnormal development of stamens, which cannot produce pollen with normal function, while pistils develop normally and can be fertilized by foreign normal pollen. Tomato is a typical self-pollinated plant with obvious heterosis and strong disease resistance and stress resistance. At present, the production of tomato F1 hybrid seeds in China basically depends on artificial emasculation and pollination, therefore, a lot of manpower and material resources are needed in the process of seed production. In the use of tomato male sterile seed production, the seed production process can be simplified, costs be greatly reduced and and seed purity be improved, in this case, tomato yield and quality will be increased significantly. Therefore, the research and utilization of tomato male sterility is of great practical significance to tomato genetic breeding, and has always been an important research topic for the domestic and foreign scholars. This paper mainly outlines the current situation of male sterility of tomato in recent years, summarizes the types of tomato male sterility, the application of genetic engineering technology of tomato male sterility, the fine positioning and functional study of tomato male sterility gene, and the analysis of cell biological mechanism of tomato male sterility. The effect of temperature on tomato male sterility is expounded from the perspective of genetics, and the physiological and biochemical mechanism and the gene function and regulation mechanism in response temperature changes are discussed. Then, the heterosis of tomato male sterility and its utilization value in production and application are analyzed. On this basis, the problems existing in the current research work are put forward, and the innovation and basic research of tomato male sterility technology in the future are prospected.
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