张 乐,于小航,王义鹤,杨佳美,赵丽丽,段 铭.2019—2020 年河南与河北部分地区犬瘟热流行病学调查及病毒分离鉴定[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(2):95-103
查看全文    HTML 2019—2020 年河南与河北部分地区犬瘟热流行病学调查及病毒分离鉴定
Epidemiological Investigation, Isolation and Identification of Canine Distemper Virus in Parts of Henan and Hebei Provinces from 2019 to 2020
中文关键词: 犬瘟热  犬瘟热病毒  流行病学调查  血凝素  遗传进化分析
英文关键词: canine distemper  canine distemper virus  epidemiological investigation  hemagglutinin  phylogenetic analysis
张 乐,于小航,王义鹤,杨佳美,赵丽丽,段 铭 吉林大学动物医学学院 / 人兽共患病研究教育部重点实验室吉林 长春 130062 
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      【目的】了解近年来犬瘟热病毒(Canine Distemper Virus,CDV)在我国中部地区的流行及遗传变异情况。【方法】于 2019—2020 年期间从河南和河北两省部分地区随机采集犬、水貂、貉和狐狸样品 459 份,进行 RT-PCR 检测、毒株分离鉴定、病毒血凝素(Hemagglutinin,H)基因测序和遗传进化分析。【结果】检出 CDV 阳性样品 87 份,阳性率为 18.96%。犬在秋季的 CDV 阳性率较高,为 37.77%;水貂、貉和狐狸则多于夏季 7 月患病;不同年龄的动物均可发病,幼龄动物更为易感。从病犬样本中成功分离到 1 株 CDV,经鉴定后命名为 HB19-1 株。基于 H 基因序列的遗传进化分析表明,HB19-1 株属于亚洲 1 型毒株,与 GenBank 中的KJ994343 毒株同源性最高,与疫苗株Onderstepoort(GenBank 登录号:AF378705)的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为 91.3% 和 90.2%。【结论】在河南和河北部分地区犬及毛皮动物的 CDV 流行病学调查过程中成功分离到 1株犬源毒株 HB19-1,遗传进化分析显示该毒株为亚洲 1 型,且与疫苗株同源性较低。研究结果可为流调所涉地区的 CDV 预防、疫苗选择与使用提供依据。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to investigate the prevalence and genetic diversity of canine distemper virus (CDV) in central regions of China in recent years.【Method】A total of 459 samples of dogs, minks, raccoon dogs and foxes were collected randomly from parts of Henan and Hebei provinces from 2019 to 2020. Then, RTPCR detection, isolation and identification of strains, sequencing of hemagglutinin (H) gene and phylogenetic analysis were performed.【Result】87 CDV positive samples are detected, with a positive rate of 18.96%. The positive rate of CDV in dogs is highest (37.77%) in autumn and highest in minks, raccoon dogs and foxes in July. CDV occurs in animals of different ages, and young animals are more susceptible. A wild strain is isolated and identified from the diseased samples and named HB19-1. Phylogenetic analysis of H gene sequence indicates that HB19-1 belongs to the Asia-1 genotype, and it has the closest nucleotide homology with KJ994343 from GenBank. And its nucleotide and amino acid homologous rates with the vaccine strain Onderstepoort (GeneBank Accession No.: AF378705) are 91.3% and 90.2%, respectively.【Conclusion】A CDV strain HB19-1 is isolated and obtained during the epidemiological investigation of CDV in parts of Henan and Hebei provinces from 2019 to 2020. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that HB19-1 belongs to the Asia-1 genotype and has low homology with the vaccine strain. The research results can provide a basis for the prevention and control of CDV and vaccine selection and application in parts of Henan and Hebei involved in the epidemiological investigation.
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