赵 晴 1,李文娟 2,孙红斌 1,李一凡 2,甘先华 2,黄芳芳 2,张卫强 1.深圳大鹏半岛海岸带森林群落优势种生态位特征[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(3):49-59
查看全文    HTML 深圳大鹏半岛海岸带森林群落优势种生态位特征
Ecological Niche Characteristics of Dominant Species of Forest Communities in the Coastal Zone of Dapeng Peninsula, Shenzhen
中文关键词: 优势种  重要值  生态位  多样性  大鹏半岛  海岸带
英文关键词: dominant species  important value  ecological niche  diversity  Dapeng Peninsula  coastal zone
赵 晴 1,李文娟 2,孙红斌 1,李一凡 2,甘先华 2,黄芳芳 2,张卫强 1 1. 深圳市自然保护区管理中心广东 深圳 5180352. 广东省林业科学研究院 / 广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室广东 广州 510520 
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      【目的】调查深圳大鹏半岛海岸带森林群落优势种生态位特征,了解物种对环境资源的利用能力和相似性,为森林经营管理提供参考。【方法】在样地调查基础上,运用 Levins 和 Shannon-Wiener 生态位宽度、Pianka 生态位重叠、生态位相似性的计算方法,分别选取海岸带鹅公村样地和罗屋田水库库区样地的乔木层与灌木层优势种为对象进行生态位定量研究。【结果】(1)在鹅公村样地和罗屋田水库样地的森林群落中,乔木层生态位宽度较大的树种分别为豺皮樟和银柴,Levins 指数分别为 16.40 和 22.70,Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为 2.89和 3.16;灌木层生态位宽度较大的树种分别为狗骨柴和红枝蒲桃,Levins 指数分别为 19.10 和 23.97,ShannonWiener 指数分别为 3.07 和 3.20。(2)乔木层生态位重叠指数整体平均值分别为 0.434 和 0.641,生态位重叠指数较大的树种分别为毛冬青与桃金娘(0.997)、鱼骨木与岭南山竹子(0.923);灌木层生态位重叠指数整体平均值分别为 0.441 和 0.468,生态位重叠指数较大的树种分别为香港大沙叶与假苹婆(0.910)、银柴与九节(0.959)。(3)乔木层和灌木层生态位相似性指数较大的树种分别为香港大沙叶与白楸(0.820)、鱼骨木与岭南山竹子(0.817)、石斑木与狗骨柴(0.751)、红纸蒲桃与九节(0.878)。【结论】海岸带森林群落中豺皮樟、狗骨柴、红枝蒲桃等物种生态位宽度较大。鹅公村样地群落结构和物种组成处于相对稳定的状态,多数物种对于环境资源的需求有较大差异;罗屋田样地乔木层种间竞争相比灌木层更加激烈,森林群落整体上还处于演替阶段,生态位分化尚未稳定。
      【Objective】By investigating the ecological niche characteristics of the dominant species of the forest communities in the coastal zone of Dapeng Peninsula, Shenzhen, the ability and similarity of the species to use environmental resources are understood, providing a scientific basis for forest management in this area. 【Method】On the basis of the field survey, by using the calculation methods of Levins niche breadth, Shannon-Wiener niche breadth, Pianka niche overlap and niche similarity, dominant species from tree layer and shrub layer in the Egong Village sample site and Luowutian Reservoir sample site in the coastal zone were selected for niche quantitative research.【Result】In the communities of the Egong Village sample site and the Luowutian Reservoir sample site, (1) the species with the larger niche breadth in the tree layer were Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia and Aporosa dioica, with Levins indices of 16.40 and 22.70, and Shannon-Wiener indices of 2.89 and 3.16, respectively; the species with the larger niche breadth in the shrub layer were Diplospora dubia and Syzygium rehderianum, with Levins indices of 19.10 and 23.97 and Shannon indices of 3.07 and 3.20, respectively. (2) The overall mean values of niche overlap in the tree layer were 0.434 and 0.641, respectively, and the species with the larger niche overlap were Ilex pubescens and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (0.997), Psydrax dicocca and Garcinia oblongifolia (0.923); the overall mean values of niche overlap in the shrub layer were 0.441 and 0.468, respectively, and species with the larger niche overlap were Pavetta hongkongensis and Sterculia lanceolata (0.910), Aporosa dioica and Psychotria asiatica (0.959). (3) The tree species with larger niche similarity were Pavetta hongkongensis and Mallotus paniculatus (0.820), Psydrax dicocca and Garcinia oblongifolia (0.817), Rhaphiolepis indica and Diplospora dubia (0.751), Syzygium rehderianum and Psychotria asiatica (0.878).【Conclusion】In coastal zone forest communities, Litsea rotundifolia var. Oblongifolia, Diplospora duia, Syzygium rehderianum have larger ecological niche breadth. The community structure and species composition in the Egong Village sample site are in a relatively stable state, and most species in the Egong Village sample site have widely varying needs for environmental resources. Interspecific competition is more intense in the tree layer than that in the shrub layer in the Luowutian Reservoir sample site, the forest communities in this site are still in the successional stage as a whole, and the ecological niche differentiation has not yet been stabilized.
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