莫介化 1,刘文瑜 2,陆丙乾 3,卢伟华 1,陆昌胜 3,李春枝 1.池养条件下黄唇鱼幼鱼周年生长特性研究[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(3):129-136
查看全文    HTML 池养条件下黄唇鱼幼鱼周年生长特性研究
Study on Annual Growth Characteristics of Pond-culture Bahaba taipingensis Juvenile
中文关键词: 黄唇鱼  幼鱼  池塘养殖  生长特性  负异速生长
英文关键词: Bahaba taipingensis  juvenile  pond-culture  growth characteristics  negative allometric growth
莫介化 1,刘文瑜 2,陆丙乾 3,卢伟华 1,陆昌胜 3,李春枝 1 1. 东莞市动物疫病预防控制中心广东 东莞 5230862. 东莞市自然保护地服务中心广东 东莞 5230863. 东莞市南方特种水产研究所广东 东莞 523910 
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      【目的】研究池塘养殖条件下黄唇鱼幼鱼的周年生长特性,掌握其早期生长特点,丰富其养殖生物学基础数据,为黄唇鱼人工池塘养殖和繁育提供参考,进一步保护和利用黄唇鱼种质资源。【方法】以人工繁育的黄唇鱼(Bahaba taipingensis)0 +龄幼鱼为研究对象,1 年内定期测量池塘养殖条件下黄唇鱼幼鱼的体长、体质量等生长参数,分析其在人工池塘养殖条件下的周年生长规律。【结果】黄唇鱼幼鱼平均体长 4.56(±0.54) cm、 平 均 体 质 量 10.63(±0.91) g, 经 365 d 的 养 殖 试 验, 个 体 生 长 为 平 均 体 长 30.22(±4.32) cm、 平均体质量 1 085.73(±328.55)g,体长增长 562.16%,日均增长 0.07 cm,体长特定生长率范围在 0.08%/d~1.08%/d,体长变异系数范围在 7.83%~14.31%;体质量增加 10 117.06%,日均增长 2.95 g,体质量特定生长率范围在 0.68%/d~2.77%/d,体质量变异系数范围在 8.53%~33.37% 之间;体质量的特定生长率和变异系数大于体长的特定生长率和变异系数,肥满度周年变化范围为 2.21%~11.18%。黄唇鱼幼鱼周年体长与体质量呈幂函数关系:m=0.3783L2.2363 (R2=0.9705,b=2.2363 < 3),呈负异速生长;全长与体长呈线性关系:LT=1.1918L+0.2809(R2=0.9986),全长与日龄拟合方程为一元二次方程:LT=-0.0002t2+0.159t+4.6652(R2=0.9791),体长与日龄拟合方程为一元二次方程:L=-0.0002t2+0.1294t+3.7988(R2=0.9865),体质量与日龄拟合方程为一元二次方程:m=0.0076t2+0.0618t+28.915(R2=0.9956)。【结论】在人工池塘养殖 1 年,黄唇鱼幼鱼生长良好,处于负异速生长阶段。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to explore the annual growth characteristics of pond-cultured rich the basic data of culture biology so as to provide references for the artificial pond culture and breeding of Bahaba taipingensis, and further protect and use the germplasm resources of B. taipingensis.【Method】Taking the B. taipingensis juveniles artificially cultured for less than one year as research materials, the growth parameters such as body length and body mass of pond-cultured B. taipingensis juveniles were measured regularly within one year, and the annual growth characteristics of B. taipingensis juveniles were analyzed.【Result】The initial average body length and average body mass of juveniles of B. taipingensis were increased from 4.56 (±0.54) cm to 30.22 (±4.32) cm and 10.63 (±0.91) g to 1 085.73 (±328.55) g after 365 days of growth. The body length was increased by 562.16%, with an average daily growth of 0.07 cm. The specific growth rate of body length ranged from 0.08%/d to1.08%/d, and the variation coefficient of body length ranged from 7.83% to 14.31%. The body mass was increased by 10 117.06 %, with an average daily growth of 2.95g. The specific growth rate of body mass ranged from 0.68%/d to 2.77%/d and the variation coefficient of body mass ranged from 8.53% to 33.37%. The specific growth rate and variation coefficient of body mass were greater than those of body length, and the annual change of fatness ranged from 2.21% to 11.18%. The body length of B. taipingensis juvenile was shown to be correlated with body mass in a power function: m=0.3783L2.2363, (R2=0.9705, b= 2.2363 < 3), with a negative allometric growth stage. There was linear relationship between the total length (LT) and body length (L): LT =1.1918L+0.2809 (R2=0.9986). There was quadratic function between the total length (LT) and age (t): LT=-0.0002t2+0.159t+4.6652 (R2=0.9791), quadratic function between body length (L) and age (t): L=-0.0002t2+0.1294t+3.7988 (R2=0.9865), and quadratic function between body mass (m) and age (t): m=0.0076t2+0.0618t+28.915 (R2=0.9956).【Conclusion】The B. taipingensis juvenile under artificial pond-cultureconditions grow well within one year, being at negative allometric growth stage.
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