温彩怡 1,江 飚 1,孙龑鑫 1,黄伟民 1,马 壮 1,梁芝源 2,刘 春 1,胡 雄 2,苏友禄 1.珠三角地区杂交鳢(乌鳢♂ × 斑鳢♀)弹状病毒感染状况调查[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(4):108-114
查看全文    HTML 珠三角地区杂交鳢(乌鳢♂ × 斑鳢♀)弹状病毒感染状况调查
Investigation of Rhabdovirus Infection in Hybrid Snakehead (Channa argus ♂ × Channa maculata ♀ ) in the Pearl River Delta
中文关键词: 杂交鳢  弹状病毒  qPCR  阳性率  养殖阶段  鱼体规格
英文关键词: hybrid snakehead  rhabdovirus  qPCR  positive rate  culture stages  fish body size
基金项目:中央成品油价格调整对渔业补助预算资金(粤财农〔2022〕119 号);仲恺农业工程学院研究生科技创新基金(KJCX2022031);广东农技服务轻骑兵重大农业技术乡村行推广项目(XYL2022GZ196C08)
温彩怡 1,江 飚 1,孙龑鑫 1,黄伟民 1,马 壮 1,梁芝源 2,刘 春 1,胡 雄 2,苏友禄 1 1. 仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院 / 健康养殖创新研究院广东 广州 5102252. 佛山市顺德区活宝源生物科技有限公司广东 佛山 528300 
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      【目的】杂交鳢( Hybrid snakehead)为我国重要的特种水产鱼类,为摸清杂交鳢弹状病毒 (Hybrid snakehead rhabdovirus, HSHRV) 的感染状况,2021 年 3 月至 2022 年 2 月对珠三角地区养殖的杂交鳢弹状病毒病展开调查。【方法】对繁育阶段的杂交鳢 亲本、鱼苗、水样进行随机采样;养殖阶段则选择固定时间进行随机采样,并在病害暴发时采样。监测周期内共采集 333 份样品,每尾鱼经无菌解剖后,取绿豆大小肝脏、脾脏和肾脏组织混样,保存于液氮中,用于提取 RNA;以反转录的 cDNA 为模板,采用 qPCR 技术进行 HSHRV 检测。【结果】感染 HSHRV 的鱼体主要临床症状为不规则游动、打转,体表无明显症状,解剖可见肝脏、脾脏、肾脏、肠道和鱼鳔充血发红或肿大;qPCR 检测结果显示,333 份样品的 HSHRV 平均阳性率为 13.21%,阳性样品主要集中在4 - 11 月,其中,8 月份的样品阳性率高达 23.91% ;养殖阶段的 HSHRV 平均阳性率(17.01%)显著高于繁育阶段的平均阳性率(3.26%);从鱼体规格来看,HSHRV 最易感 10 cm 以内的鱼,阳性率高达 32.20%,主要在 3 -9 月检出;HSHRV 最不易感 20 cm 以上的鱼,阳性率低至 9.52%。【结论】明确了繁育阶段和养殖阶段以及不同养殖规格杂交鳢的 HSHRV 阳性率,为深入了解杂交鳢弹状病毒病的流行规律提供参考,以期为养殖过程中杂交鳢弹状病毒病的预防与控制提供数据支撑。
      【Objective】Hybrid snakehead is an important special aquatic fish in China. In order to find out the infection status of hybrid snakehead rhabdovirus (HSHRV), the rhabdovirus disease of hybrid snakehead cultured in the Pearl River Delta was investigated from March 2021 to February 2022.【Method】The parents, fry and water samples of hybrid snakehead were randomly sampled in breeding stage, and these were randomly sampled at fixed time in culture stage and sampled when the outbreak of the virus. A total of 333 samples were collected during the whole monitoring period. Mixed samples of mung bean-sized liver, spleen and kidney were stored in liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction. And reversetranscribed cDNA was used as template to detect rhabdovirus by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qPCR).【Result】The main clinical symptoms of rhabdovirus-infected fish were that the fish swam irregularly and spin. Although there was no obvious symptom on the body surface, the liver, spleen, kidney, intestine and swim bladder became red or swollen. The qPCR results revealed that the average positive rate of HSHRV was 13.21%, which was mainly detected from April to November. Among them, the positive rate of samples detected in August was as high as 23.91%. The average positive rate of HSHRV in the culture stage (17.01%) was significantly higher than that in the breeding stage (3.26%). In terms of fish body size, 32.20% of the fry were most susceptible to HSHRV infection within 10 cm, mainly detected from March to September, while 9.52% of the fish of more than 20 cm were least susceptible to HSHRV infection.【Conclusion】The positive rates of HSHRV in hybrid snakehead in breeding stage and cultivating stage as well as in different size are determined, which provide references for further understanding the epidemic regularity of hybrid snakehead rhabdovirus disease, with a view to providing data support for the prevention and control of hybrid snakehead rhabdovirus disease.
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