王艳红,陈 勇,尹贻龙,艾绍英,徐梓盛,李林峰,李义纯,李 奇,唐明灯.营养型阻控剂在 Cd 高风险双季稻田上的应用效果评价[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(6):44-52
查看全文    HTML 营养型阻控剂在 Cd 高风险双季稻田上的应用效果评价
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Nutrient Inhibitor Applied to High Cadmium-Risk Double-Cropped Rice Fields
中文关键词: 营养型阻控剂    双季稻  土壤性质  效果评价  珠三角
英文关键词: nutrient inhibitor  cadmium  double-cropped rice  soil properties  promotion and application  Pearl River Delta
王艳红,陈 勇,尹贻龙,艾绍英,徐梓盛,李林峰,李义纯,李 奇,唐明灯 广东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 / 农业农村部南方植物营养与肥料重点实验室 / 广东省养分资源循环利用与耕地保育重点实验室 / 广东省农业面源污染 监测评估与防控工程技术研究中心广东 广州 510640 
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      【目的】针对稻米镉(Cd)超标现象较为突出的问题,研发一种营养型阻控剂并进行田间应用, 以验证其阻控稻米吸收镉与提升土壤养分的效果。【方法】在珠三角 3 个地市各选择 1 处 Cd 高风险双季稻田作 为示范区,分别于早、晚造水稻插秧前,基施营养型阻控剂,研究并评价其对早、晚两造不同水稻品种糙米 Cd 质量分数及土壤性质的影响。【结果】营养型阻控剂对 3 个示范区的早、晚造水稻产量无显著影响,降低了水 稻糙米 Cd 质量分数,降低幅度达 8.43% ~ 72.5%。施用营养型阻控剂对土壤性质有不同影响,3 个示范区的早、 晚造水稻田土壤 pH 值较对照区提高了 0.10~0.42 个单位,土壤交换性钙(Ca)、交换性镁(Mg)和有效硅(Si) 质量分数最高增幅分别为 66.2%、109% 和 53.0%,但土壤水解性氮(N)质量分数变化不明显,其中示范区 I 和 示范区 II 的 2 造土壤有效磷(P)和速效钾(K)质量分数最高增幅分别为 78.3% 和 24.6%,但示范区 III 的 2 造 土壤有效 P 和速效 K 质量分数无显著变化;营养型阻控剂显著降低了示范区 I 的土壤有效态 Cd 质量分数,降幅 为 4.9%~7.3%,但对示范区 II 和 III 的土壤有效态 Cd 质量分数作用效果不显著。【结论】营养型阻控剂在降低 水稻糙米 Cd 含量的同时,对土壤大、中量营养元素和有效态 Cd 的影响具有分异性,但不会对土壤性质和水稻 产量产生不良影响,具备在珠三角地区 Cd 高风险稻田上安全利用的可行性。
      【Objective】The study aimed to address the conspicuous problem of excessive cadmium (Cd) in rice by developing and applying a nutrient inhibitor in the field to evaluate its effectiveness in reducing Cd uptake by rice and improving soil nutrients.【Method】One about 3.33 hm2 , high-risk, double-cropped rice field was selected as a demonstration area in each of three cities in the Pearl River Delta. The nutrient inhibitor was applied to the soil before rice seedling transplanting in both the early and late cropping seasons. Its impact on the mass fraction of Cd in brown rice from different rice varieties over both cropping seasons were studied and assessed, as well as its influence on soil properties. 【Result】The results showed that the nutrient inhibitor did not significantly impact the early or late cropping season rice yields in any of the three demonstration areas. However, it did reduce the mass fraction of Cd in brown rice, with reduction ranging from 8.43% to 72.5%. The nutrient inhibitor influenced soil properties differently. Compared to the control area, the nutrient inhibitor increased the pH of the soil in the double-cropped rice fields of the three demonstration areas by 0.10~0.42 units. The nutrient inhibitor increased the mass fractions of soil exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and available silicon (Si) which reached peak increases of 66.2%, 109%, and 53.0% respectively. However, the nutrient inhibitor did not noticeably change the mass fraction of soil hydrolytic nitrogen (N). In the demonstration area I and II, the inhibitor improved the mass fractions of available phosphorus (P) and available potassium (K) with peak increases of 78.3% and 24.6%, respectively, while in the demonstration area III, the inhibitor insignificantly changed them. The nutrient inhibitor significantly reduced the mass fraction of available Cd in the soil in the demonstration area I by 4.9%~7.3%, but it had no significant effect on that in the demonstration area II and III.【Conclusion】The nutrient inhibitor has ability to decrease the Cd accumulation in brown rice, and its impact on soil macro and moderate nutrients, and Cd bioavailability differentiates along with some conditions, while the inhibitor does not adversely affect soil properties or rice yields. Therefore, the nutrient inhibitor has the potential for safe and effective application to high-risk Cd-contaminated rice fields in the Pearl River Delta region.
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