许勇前 1,陈 飚 1,2,3,覃良云 1,陈金妮 1,牛天祎 1,粱甲元 1,2,3.涠洲岛霜鹿角珊瑚共生虫黄藻群落的季节变化特征[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(7):164-172
查看全文    HTML 涠洲岛霜鹿角珊瑚共生虫黄藻群落的季节变化特征
Seasonal Variation Characteristics of the Symbiodiniaceae Community Associated with Acropora pruinosa from Weizhou Island
中文关键词: 虫黄藻  季节变化  枝状珊瑚  环境适应性  珊瑚礁修复
英文关键词: Symbiodiniaceae  seasonal variation  branching coral  environmental adaptability  coral reef restoration
许勇前 1,陈 飚 1,2,3,覃良云 1,陈金妮 1,牛天祎 1,粱甲元 1,2,3 1. 广西大学海洋学院广西 南宁 5300042. 广西南海珊瑚礁研究重点实验室广西 南宁 5300043. 广西大学珊瑚礁研究中心广西 南宁 530004 
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      【目的】受气候变化和人类活动的双重干扰,全球珊瑚礁生态系统急剧退化,对珊瑚的环境适应机制进行深入探究十分必要。珊瑚的环境适应性与其共生虫黄藻密切相关,然而季节性环境变化驱动虫黄藻变化的微生态机制仍不够深入。【方法】以北部湾涠洲岛珊瑚礁区的一种代表性环境敏感型枝状霜鹿角珊瑚(Acropora pruinosa)为研究对象,开展 4 个季节的定点样本采集与环境数据监测,分析共生虫黄藻的密度、叶绿素 a 浓度、群落组成的变化情况,以及虫黄藻群落结构与环境变量的相关性。【结果】涠洲岛珊瑚礁区呈现夏季高温强光和冬季低温弱光的特征,而夏季虫黄藻密度和叶绿素 a 浓度显著低于冬季,表现出夏季低、冬季高的规律;C1亚系群为 4 个季节虫黄藻群落的主导亚系群、其相对丰度介于79.35%~82.97% 之间,C1ca、C1p、C72 和 Cspc等背景亚系群的相对丰度随季节交替而显著变化;夏季和冬季的虫黄藻群落结构差异较大,表面海水温度和光合有效辐射对虫黄藻群落结构变化的贡献高于海水叶绿素 a 浓度、490 nm 下的入射光漫射衰减系数和颗粒有机碳。【结论】涠洲岛夏季高温强光和冬季低温弱光的环境特征通过影响霜鹿角珊瑚共生虫黄藻的光合作用,进而调控其密度和叶绿素 a 浓度季节性变化;C1 亚系群的生理特性保证霜鹿角珊瑚适应涠洲岛的环境;表面海水温度和光合有效辐射影响虫黄藻背景系群丰度变化,进而导致群落结构差异显著。整体而言,表面海水温度和光合有效辐射是驱动虫黄藻密度变化、C1 亚系群稳定共生、群落结构动态变化的主要因素。本研究以霜鹿角珊瑚为例解析了珊瑚共生虫黄藻适应季节变化的微生态机制,为理解环境敏感型珊瑚适应环境变化提供新的认识。
      【Objective】The global coral reef ecosystem is rapidly degrading due to the combined effects of climate change and human activities, which highlights the need to explore the environmental adaptation mechanisms of corals. The environmental adaptability of coral hosts is closely related to symbiotic Symbiodiniaceae, however, the ecological effects of Symbiodiniaceae driven by seasonal variation still need to be further understood.【Method】An environment-sensitive coral Acropora pruinosa from the Weizhou Island, Beibu Gulf was taken as the research object to carry out fixed-point sampling and environmental data monitoring, and analyze the density, community composition, chlorophyll a concentration and correlation with environmental variables of symbiotic Symbiodiniaceae in four different quarters.【Result】The coral reef area was characterized by high temperature and strong light in summer and low temperature and weak light in winter. The density of Symbiodiniaceae and the concentration of chlorophyll a showed the characteristics of decreasing in summer and increasing in winter. The subclade C1 always occupied the dominant position (79.35%-82.97%), and the relative abundance of background subclades such as C1ca, C1p, C72, and Cspc significantly varied with seasonal variation. There were significant differences in the structure of Symbiodiniaceae communities between summer and winter. The contribution of surface seawater temperature (SST) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) to the changes in Symbiodiniaceae community structure was higher than chlorophyll a, Kd490, and particulate organic carbon.【Conclusion】The environmental characteristics of high temperature and strong light in summer and low temperature and weak light in winter on Weizhou Island regulate the seasonal changes of Symbiodiniaceae density and chlorophyll a concentration by affecting the photosynthesis of Symbiodiniaceae. Moreover, the physiological characteristics of the C1 subclade ensure that A. pruinosa can adapt to the environment of Weizhou Island. In addition, the SST and PAR affect the abundance changes of the background Symbiodiniaceae, leading to significant differences in community structure.The correlation analysis showed that the SST and PAR were the main factors driving the changes of density, stable symbiosis (subclade C1), and community structure ofSymbiodiniaceae. This study took A. pruinosa as an example to analyze the micro-ecological characteristics of coral-associated Symbiodiniaceae adapting to seasonal variation, providing a new understanding about the adaptation of environment-sensitive corals to environmental changes.
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