管成伟 1,胡利伟 2,冯小虎 3,张超群 1,秦言敏 4,张志高 3,王利兵 3.2 个烟草青枯病菌菌株的致病力差异与基因组比较分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(8):85-93
查看全文    HTML 2 个烟草青枯病菌菌株的致病力差异与基因组比较分析
Pathogenicity Differences and Comparative Analysis of Genomes Between Two Ralstonia solanacearum Strains
中文关键词: 烟草青枯病菌  序列变种  致病力  基因组测序  凝集素蛋白
英文关键词: Ralstonia solanacearum  sequevar  pathogenicity  genes sequencing  lectin protein
管成伟 1,胡利伟 2,冯小虎 3,张超群 1,秦言敏 4,张志高 3,王利兵 3 1. 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 3300022. 中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院河南 郑州 4500013. 江西省烟草公司抚州市公司江西 抚州 3440004. 抚州市烟草公司黎川分公司江西 抚州 344600 
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      【目的】探索比较 2 个不同青枯病菌菌株之间致病力差异和基因组差异,分析影响菌株致病力差异的关键基因,为烟草青枯病的防治提供理论参考。【方法】从烟草青枯病发病烟株上分离获得不同的青枯病菌菌株并进行鉴定,通过侵染试验比较 2 个菌株之间的致病力差异,并对 2 个菌株的基因组进行测序,比较二者之间基因组序列差异,分析影响菌株致病力差异的基因。【结果】从江西省抚州市广昌县和南丰县分离到2 株青枯病菌菌株 RsTP2 和 RsTY2,egl 测序表明菌株 RsTP2 和 RsTY2 均属于亚洲分支演化型Ⅰ中的序列变种13,其中菌株 RsTP2 对云烟 87 致病力较强,而菌株 RsTY2 致病力较弱。通过对 2 个菌株进行基因组测序,获得二者的基因组框架图,其基因组大小分别为 5.43 MB 和 5.23 MB。将获得的基因和蛋白序列与相关数据库进行比对,获得基因的功能及物种注释信息。通过分析发现,菌株 RsTY2 有 52 个蛋白和菌株 RsTP2 的 44 个蛋白比对后序列存在差异,其相似度在 50.00%~99.88%,其中存在较大差异的编码蛋白主要是凝集素类蛋白,其次是细胞溶素分泌激活蛋白和穿孔素家族蛋白。【结论】通过比较不同致病力青枯病菌株 RsTP2 和 RsTY2 的基因组序列差异,发现二者基因组中编码凝集素类蛋白、细胞溶素分泌激活蛋白和穿孔素家族蛋白等蛋白序列差异较大,这类编码蛋白主要参与细菌的黏附、膜溶解、穿透等功能,与细菌侵入宿主细胞的能力关系密切。这几类编码蛋白的差异推测是导致菌株 RsTP2 和 RsTY2 致病力差异的重要因素之一。
      【Objective】The pathogenicity and genomic differences between two Ralstonia solanacearum strains were compared to analyze the key genes leading to the differences, and help the control of tobacco bacterial wilt disease in the future.【Method】Different R. solanacearum strains were isolated and purified from tobacco plants infected with bacterial wilt disease. The infestation tests were conducted to compare pathogenicity differences and the genomes of two strains were obtained by high-throughput sequencing technique to analyze the sequence difference, to explore the key genes affecting the pathogenicity of the strains. 【Result】Two strains RsTP2 and RsTY2 were isolated from diseased tobacco plants in Guangchang county and Nanfeng county of Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province. egl gene sequencing results revealed that both strains were sequevar 13 belonged to Asian phylotype I. The infestation test results indicated that strain RsTP2 was more aggressive to Yunyan87 tobacco plants, in contrast to less pathogenicity of strain RsTY2. Draft genome maps of strains RsTP2 and RsTY2 (5.43 MB and 5.23 MB, respectively) were obtained by high-throughput sequencing technique. Then, the gene and protein sequences were compared with relevant databases to obtain gene function and species annotation information. Through analysis, it was found that 52 proteins of RsTY2 and 44 proteins of RsTP2 were different in the alignment with similarity between 50% and 99.88%. Most of the differential proteins were lectin-like protein, followed by cytolysin secretory activator protein and perforin family protein 【Conclusion】By comparing the genomic sequences of strains RsTP2 and RsTY2 with different pathogenicity, it was found that there were significant differences in the coding sequences of lectin-like protein, cytolysin secretory activator protein and perforin family protein. These proteins mainly participated in bacterial adhesion, membrane lysis and penetration, and other functions, which were closely related to the ability of bacteria to invade host cells. The differences in these types of coding proteins are speculated to be one of the important factors leading to the differences in pathogenicity in strains RsTP2 and RsTY2.
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