叶 红,王 斌,任 飞,朱云娜,肖艳辉,何金明,王玉昆.园艺植物 WRKY 基因功能研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(9):68-78
查看全文    HTML 园艺植物 WRKY 基因功能研究进展
Research Progress of WRKY Gene Functions in Horticultural Plants
中文关键词: 园艺植物  WRKY 转录因子  生物胁迫  非生物胁迫  生长发育
英文关键词: horticultural plants  WRKY transcriptional factor  biotic stress  abiotic stress  growth and development
叶 红,王 斌,任 飞,朱云娜,肖艳辉,何金明,王玉昆 广东省粤北食药资源利用与保护重点实验室 / 韶关学院生物与农业学院广东 韶关 512005 
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      WRKY 转录因子是植物中特有的一类反式作用因子。WRKY 基因家族成员众多,是植物中最大的转录因子家族之一。目前,已在多种园艺植物中对该家族进行了全基因组鉴定。大量研究表明,WRKY 转录因子参与了植物中多种生物学过程,如营养剥夺、胚胎发生、种子发育、毛状体发育、叶片衰老及其他发育和激素调节的过程,是许多调控信号网络的重要组成部分。WRKY 转录因子还可参与植物适应各种逆境的转录调控,已被证明其在生物应激反应中发挥重要作用并参与植物的防御机制,其在植物防御病菌、病毒和虫害调控过程中的重要作用正被逐步揭示。此外,WRKY 转录因子在植物响应环境中非生物胁迫方面的作用也被不断解析,其可参与调控植物对干旱、温度、盐及渗透的响应,并在此过程中发挥正向或负向调节作用。本文基于近年来的相关研究成果,重点综述了 WRKY 转录因子在园艺植物生长发育、胁迫响应和代谢合成方面所发挥的作用和调控机理,进一步明确园艺植物 WRKY 转录因子的重要生物学功能,阐明 WRKY 转录因子介导的转录调控网络,为园艺植物优良性状相关的遗传资源挖掘和分子育种提供理论支撑。
      WRKY transcription factors are a class of trans-acting factors unique to plants. WRKY gene family has many members and is one of the largest families of transcription factors in plants. At present, the WRKY transcription factor family has been genome-wide identified in various horticultural plants. A large number of studies have shown that WRKY transcription factors are involved in various biological processes in plants, such as nutrient deprivation, embryogenesis, seed development, trichome development, leaf senescence, and other developmental and hormonal regulation processes. They are important components of many regulatory signal networks. WRKY transcription factors play an important role in the transcriptional regulation mechanism of plant adaptation to various stress environments. It has been shown to play an important role in biological stress response and participate in plant defense mechanisms. Its important role in the regulation of plant defense against pathogens, viruses and pests is gradually being revealed. In addition, the role of WRKY transcription factors in plant response to environmental abiotic stresses has been continuously analyzed. WRKY transcription factors are involved in regulating plant response to drought, temperature, salt and osmosis, and plays a positive or negative regulatory role in this process. Based on the relevant research results in recent years, the roles and regulatory mechanisms of WRKY transcription factors in the growth and development, stress response and metabolic synthesis of horticultural plants are reviewed in this paper. Meanwhile, the important biological functions of WRKY transcription factors in horticultural plants are further clarified as well. Furthermore, the transcriptional regulation network mediated by WRKY transcription factors is elucidated, which will provide theoretical supports for genetic resources and molecular breeding related to excellent traits of horticultural plants.
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