潘永贵.果实表皮组织对采后失水影响研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(10):1-11 |
果实表皮组织对采后失水影响研究进展 |
Research Progress in the Effects of Epidermal Tissue on Postharvest Fruit Water Loss |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2023.10.001 |
中文关键词: 果实 表皮组织 失水 角质层 蜡质 |
英文关键词: fruit epidermal tissue water loss cuticle waxiness |
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目(320RC496) |
摘要点击次数: 759 |
全文下载次数: 762 |
中文摘要: |
水分是果蔬中含量最丰富的成分,对于维持果实感官品质以及正常的生理代谢活动具有重要意义。然而,采后果实由于被切断了组织与母体的联系,使得果实水分因蒸发和呼吸作用而减少,继而引发了包括失重、皱缩、变色、软化、易遭受病原菌侵染和加速衰老等一系列问题,大大降低了采后果实的耐贮性和抗病性,并直接影响到果实的商品价值和经济价值。尽管采前、采收、采后众多因素均会影响采后果实水分的丧失,但作为控制水分流失的直接屏障,表皮组织在果实水分保持中扮演着至关重要的角色。本文以果实表皮组织作为切入点,着重从果实表皮组织结构(包括表皮细胞、角质层、自然孔道以及毛状体等)、表皮组织化学成分(包括蜡质、角质、多糖和酚类等)、控制果实表皮水分流失的分子生物学机制(包括与水分控制相关的蜡质基因、蜡质代谢调控)等 3 个方面,围绕果实表皮组织对采后失水的影响进行综述;同时,对当前该研究领域存在的问题进行总结,希望这些研究成果能够为更深入探索表皮组织在采后果实品质保持机制和寻求控制果实水分损失方法提供有益的借鉴和参考。 |
英文摘要: |
Water is the most abundant component in fruits and vegetables, and it plays a significant role in maintaining the sensory quality and normal physiological metabolic in fruits. However, the tissues of postharvest fruits are cut off the connection from the parent plant, which result in a reduction of fruit moisture due to evaporation and respiration. This leads to a series of issues, including weight loss, wrinkling, browning, softening, susceptibility to pathogen infection, and accelerating aging. These problems significantly reduce the shelf life and disease resistance of postharvest fruits, directly impacting their commercial and economic value. Many factors such as before, during and after harvesting can influence the water loss of fruit, however, as a crucial barrier in controlling water loss, the fruit epidermal tissue plays a key role in maintaining fruit moisture. In this article, it takes the epidermal tissue of fruit as a starting point and focuses on three aspects: The structure of the epidermal tissue (including epidermal cells, cuticle layer, natural openings, and trichomes), the chemical composition of the epidermal tissue (including waxes, cutin, polysaccharides, and phenolic compounds), and the molecular biology mechanisms that control fruit water loss through the epidermal tissue (including wax-related genes and wax metabolism regulation), and the impacts of the epidermal tissue on postharvest water loss in fruits are reviewed. Moreover, it summarizes the current challenges in this research field, with the hope that these findings can provide valuable references and insights for further exploration of the mechanisms in which epidermal tissue contributes to maintaining fruit quality after harvest and seeking methods to control fruit water loss. |
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