严晓丽1,李海亮 2,3,于珍珍 2,邹华芬 2,王宏轩 2,孙海天 2,史健伟 2.割苗对基质覆盖免耕播种玉米生长发育及产量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(10):37-46
查看全文    HTML 割苗对基质覆盖免耕播种玉米生长发育及产量的影响
Effects of Cutting Seedlings on Growth and Yield of Maize Under Substrate Covered No-Tillage Sowing
中文关键词: 玉米  基质覆盖免耕播种  割苗  生长性状  产量
英文关键词: maize  substrate covered no-tillage sowing  cutting seedling  growth traits  yield
严晓丽1,李海亮 2,3,于珍珍 2,邹华芬 2,王宏轩 2,孙海天 2,史健伟 2 1. 中国热带农业科学院湛江实验站 / 广东省省级现代农业(耕地保育与节水农业)产业技术研发中心广东 湛江 5240132. 中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所 / 国家农业绿色发展长期固定观测湛江试验站广东 湛江 5240133. 河南农业大学机电工程学院河南 郑州 450002 
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      【目的】探讨割苗对基质覆盖免耕播种玉米生长发育及产量的影响,为基质覆盖免耕播种模式下提高玉米产量提供参考。【方法】以‘惠玉甜 3 号’玉米为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,主区为 4 种不同种植密度(6.0 万、7.0 万、8.0 万、9.0 万株 /hm2,分别标记为 A1~A4),副区为 4 种不同割苗处理(3~4 叶龄、5~6 叶龄、7~8 叶龄,分别标记为 T1~T3;不割苗为 CK),研究割苗对基质覆盖免耕播种玉米生长发育性状及产量的影响。【结果】割苗对基质覆盖免耕播种玉米的生育周期和灌浆期叶片的 SPAD 值影响不显著。随着种植密度增加,茎秆性状、果穗性状均呈下降趋势。在 A1~A3 种植密度下,随着种植密度的增加,玉米产量呈上升趋势,在 A4 种植密度下,玉米产量相对下降。在 A1~A4 种植密度下,割苗使株高、穗位高显著降低,茎粗显著增加,作用效果为 T2 > T1 > T3;穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、单穗质量和产量显著增加,以 T2 处理效果最佳。与对照相比,5~6 叶龄(T2)割苗处理下,A1~A4 种植密度分别增产 13.80%、11.71%、15.49% 和 13.24%;且在 A3 种植密度下,割苗处理产量提升效果显著优于其他种植密度,T1~T3 处理分别增产13.53%、15.49% 和 8.98%。【结论】割苗可降低基质覆盖免耕播种玉米的重心、增加茎粗,同时促进穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数和单穗质量等果穗性状正向生长发育,有效提高基质覆盖免耕播种玉米的产量,且在 8.0万株 /hm2 种植密度下,于 5~6 叶龄进行割苗增产效果最佳。
      【Objective】The study was carried out to explore the effects of cutting seedlings on the growth and yield of maize under substrate covered no-tillage sowing, which would provided reference for improving maize yield under this sowing mode. 【Method】The ‘Huiyutian 3’ was used as the experimental material, and the split plot design was adopted for studying the effects of cutting seedlings on growth, development traits and yield of maize under substrate covered no-tillage sowing. The main plot was four different planting densities (6.0×104, 7.0×104, 8.0×104, 9.0×104 plants/hm2, respectively marked as A1-A4), the subplot was four different cutting treatments (3-4 leaf age, 5-6 leaf age, 7-8 leaf age, respectively marked as T1-T3), and the control without cutting seedlings was CK. 【Result】Cutting seedlings had no significant effect on growth cycle and the SPAD value of leaves in the filling stage of maize under substrate covered no-tillage sowing. With the increase of planting density, stem traits and ear traits showed a downward trend. Under the planting density of A1-A3, with the increase of planting density, the yield of maize increased, and the yield of maize decreased relatively under the planting density of A4. The plant height and ear height were significantly reduced, and the stem thick were significantly increased by cutting seedling under A1-A4 planting density, the effect was T2 > T1 > T3. Similarly, the spike length, spike diameter, kernel rows, row grains, panicle weight and yield were improved by cutting seedling under A1-A4 planting density, and the effect of T2 was the best. Compared with CK, the average yield of A1-A4 planting density under T2 treatment increased by 3.80%, 11.71%, 15.49% and 13.24%, respectively. Under A3 planting density, the effect of cutting seedling treatment on promoting yield was significantly better than that of other planting densities, and the yield of T1-T3 treatment increased by 13.53%, 15.49% and 8.98%, respectively.【Conclusion】Cutting seedlings could reduce the center of gravity and improve stem diameter of maize under substrate covered no-tillage sowing. Furthermore, it promoted the positive growth and development of ear traits such as ear length, ear diameter, row number per ear, grain number per row and grain mass per ear, and effectively improved the yield under substrate covered no-tillage sowing. Under the planting density of 8.0×104 plants/hm2, the effect of cutting seedlings at 5-6 leaf ages was the best.
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