陈玫婷 1,2,孙敏华 1,向 勇1,张俊勤 1,董嘉文 1,黄允真 1,覃丽梅 2,李林林 1.鹅星状病毒的流行病学及研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(10):157-166
查看全文    HTML 鹅星状病毒的流行病学及研究进展
Epidemiology and Research Progress of Goose Astrovirus
中文关键词: 鹅星状病毒  病原学  流行趋势  致病性  痛风  研究进展
英文关键词: goose astrovirus  etiology  epidemic trend  pathogenicity  gout
陈玫婷 1,2,孙敏华 1,向 勇1,张俊勤 1,董嘉文 1,黄允真 1,覃丽梅 2,李林林 1 1. 广东省农业科学院动物卫生研究所 / 农业农村部禽流感等家禽重大疾病防控重点实验室 / 广东省畜禽疫病防治研究重点实验室广东 广州 5106402. 佛山科学技术学院生命科学与工程学院广东 佛山 528225 
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      鹅星状病毒(Goose astrovirus, GAstV)是小型无包膜病毒,其基因组由单股正链 RNA 分子组成,基因组长度为 7.1~7.3 kb。GAstV 是星状病毒科禽星状病毒属的新成员,根据基因同源性及遗传距离可将其分为2 个基因群(GAstV-1、GAstV-2),目前尚未参与官方分类系统。GAstV 感染可导致鹅腹泻、生长抑制,出现以关节尿酸盐沉积和内脏尿酸盐沉积为主的临床症状,被认为是导致鹅痛风的主要病原。目前缺少针对 GAstV的商品化疫苗或治疗药物,主要依靠生物安全措施进行防控。2017 年,我国研究人员于首次在山东省的痛风鹅群中检测并分离到 GAstV 毒株。GAstV 传播速度快,辐射地区广,同年在广东、福建、安徽等地均有相关病例报道,造成高达 12 亿 ~15 亿元的经济损失。GAstV 发病率可达 80%,死亡率可达 50%,GAstV 可导致鹅免疫抑制,在饲养过程中易感染其他病原,造成更严重的临床症状,加大了病原防控难度。GAstV 不仅感染天然宿主鹅,还具有跨越物种屏障的能力,能引起鸡和鸭腹泻、生长抑制,并引发内脏或关节尿酸盐沉积。这提示我们 GAstV 或具有人畜传播的潜力,后续应加强对 GAstV 的流行病学监测,密切关注其传播特性的变化。目前GAstV 的病原检测已取得一定研究进展,且建立了多种能够高效准确地检测 GAstV 的技术方法。但对 GAstV 致病机制的研究尚未深入,疫苗制备方面的研究较为薄弱,且 GAstV 尚无统一有效的体外培养方法,严重阻碍了病原的基础研究。为更好地了解 GAstV 对我国鹅养殖业的影响,本文从 GAstV 的病原学、流行病学、宿主免疫应答和 GAstV 与痛风的关联 4 个方面进行综述,为 GAstV 的后续研究及科学防治提供参考。
      Goose astrovirus (GAstV) is a small, non-encapsulated virus, whose genome consists of a single-stranded, positive-stranded RNA molecule with a genome length of 7.1-7.3 kb. GAstV is a new member of the genus avian astrovirus in the family Astroviridae, which can be classified into two genetic subgroups (GAstV-1, GAstV-2) based on genetic homology and genetic distance, which are not yet involved in official classification. GAstV infection can lead to diarrhea, growth inhibition, and clinical signs dominated by joint urate deposition and visceral urate deposition in geese, and it is considered to be the main etiological agent causing gout in geese. There is a lack of commercialized vaccines or therapeutic drugs against GAstV, relying mainly on biosecurity measures for prevention and control. China's researchers first detected and isolated the GAstV strain in gouty geese flocks in Shandong Province in 2017. GAstV spreads quickly and radiates widely, with related cases reported in Guangdong, Fujian, and Anhui in the same year, resulting in up to 1.2 billion yuan to 1.5 billion yuan in economic losses. The incidence of GAstV can be up to 80%, and the mortality rate can be up to 50%. GAstV can lead to immunosuppression in geese, and they are susceptible to infection with other pathogens in the course of feeding, resulting in more severe clinical symptoms and increasing the difficulty of pathogen prevention and control. GAstV not only infects its natural host, geese, but also has the ability to cross the species barrier, causing diarrhea, growth inhibition, and triggering urate deposition in internal organs or joints in chickens and ducks. This suggests that GAstV may have the potential for human-animal transmission, and subsequent studies should strengthen the epidemiological monitoring of GAstV and pay close attention to the changes in its transmission characteristics. At present, scholars have made certain research progress in the pathogen detection of GAstV, and have established various technical methods that can efficiently and accurately detect GAstV. However, the research on the pathogenic mechanism of GAstV has not yet been in-depth, the research on vaccine preparation is relatively weak, and there is no uniform and effective in vitro culture method for GAstV, which has seriously hindered the pace of basic research on the pathogen. In order to better understand the impact of GAstV on goose farming industry in China, this paper reviews four aspects of GAstV, namely, pathogenesis, epidemiology, host immune response, and the association between GAstV and gout, which will provide a reference for the follow-up research and scientific control of GAstV.
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