江建华,张 瑛,党小景,王德正.水稻永久温敏核不育遗传特性浅析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(11):29-39
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Genetic Characteristics of Permanent Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterility in Rice
中文关键词: 水稻  不育系  遗传特性  温敏  反温敏  制种
英文关键词: rice  sterile line  genetic characteristics  temperature-sensitivity  reverse temperature-sensitivity  seed production
江建华,张 瑛,党小景,王德正 安徽省农业科学院水稻研究所安徽 合肥 230031 
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      【目的】创制永久温敏核不育系,为解决两系杂交水稻制种存在的安全问题提供支持。【方法】在采用轮回亲本聚合温敏和反温敏核 不育基因创制永久温敏核不育系天丰 M 的基础上,研究天丰 M 不育的遗传特性。【结果】聚合了温敏和反温敏核不育基因的天丰 M 在高、低温下均表现不育,其不育性受 2 对基因控制,1 对是温敏核不育等位基因,另 1 对是受温度调节的调控基因,即分别来自温敏和反温敏核不育系复等位的,随温度变化切换显隐性关系。在高温下,来自温敏的为显性,调控不育基因表现为不育;在低温下,来自反温敏的切换为显性,同样调控不育基因表达为不育。从不同温敏和反温敏核不育姊妹系测交类型 4 的群体分离表现得到证实,C31(Z1×F7)组合在低温下表现不育、可育和正常可育,不育株割茬再生发生不育与可育分离,实际表现为永久不育 5 株、低温不育高温可育 6 株、低温可育 4 株、正常可育 7 株,符合 2 对杂合基因 1∶1∶1∶1分离比。这种受双基因控制的永久温敏核不育性可遗传、可恢复,且当温敏核不育基因为显性时,永久不育性可恢复。【结论】天丰 M 不育系可从根本上解决两系杂交水稻的制种安全问题。
      【Objective】The study aims to create a permanent thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line, with a view to providing support for solving the safety problem of two-line hybrid rice seed production.【Method】Based on the creation of a permanent thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line Tianfeng M by using recurrent parents to polymerize thermo-sensitive and reverse thermo-sensitive genic male sterile genes, the genetic characteristics of Tianfeng M sterility were studied.【Result】The results showed that the male sterility of Tianfeng M polymerizing the thermo-sensitive and reverse thermo-sensitive genic male sterile genes was controlled by two pairs of genes, one was thermo-sensitive genic male sterile gene, and the other was regulated by temperature, that is, multiple alleles from thermo-sensitive and reverse thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines. And the dominant-recessive relationship was switched by temperature. Under high temperature, the genes from thermo-sensitivity was dominant, and the gene regulating sterility was expressed as sterility; under low temperature, the genes from reverse thermo-sensitivity was dominant, and the gene regulating sterility was also expressed as sterility. The performance of population segregation was confirmed from the cross type 4 of different thermo-sensitive and reverse thermo-sensitive genic male sterile sister lines. The combination C31 (Z1×F7) showed sterility, fertility and normal fertility at low temperature. The ratooning of sterile plant after stem-cutting was separated to sterility plant and fertile plant. There were 5 permanent male sterile plants, 6 low-temperature sterile and high-temperature fertile plants, 4 low-temperature fertile plants and 7 normal fertile plants, which was consistent with the segregation ratio 1∶1∶1∶1 of 2 pairs of heterozygous genes. This permanent thermo-sensitive genic male sterility controlled by two genes could be inherited and restored, and the permanent sterility could be restored when the thermo-sensitive genic male sterility gene was dominant.【Conclusion】Tianfeng M male sterile line can solve the safety problem in seed production of two-line hybrid rice.
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