赵 威 1,徐晓美 2,徐小万 2,衡 周 2,王恒明 2,陈金金 1,吴智明 1.基于 SSR 分子标记的‘汇丰 2 号’辣椒杂交种子纯度和真实性鉴定[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(11):59-65
查看全文    HTML 基于 SSR 分子标记的‘汇丰 2 号’辣椒杂交种子纯度和真实性鉴定
Identification of Purity and Authenticity of Hybrid Seeds of ‘Huifeng 2’ Pepper Based on SSR Molecular Markers
中文关键词: 辣椒  ‘汇丰 2 号’  种子纯度  SSR 分子标记  真实性鉴定
英文关键词: pepper  ‘Huifeng 2’  seed purity  SSR molecular marker  authenticity identification
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(32072598);广东省教育厅重点学科建设 - 基础研究重大项目(2021ZDJS004);贵州省毕节市科学技术揭榜挂帅项目(毕科合重大专项〔2022〕3 号);广州市科技计划项目(2023B03J1082);广东省农业厅种业振兴与科技兴农项目(2022-NPY-00-024)
赵 威 1,徐晓美 2,徐小万 2,衡 周 2,王恒明 2,陈金金 1,吴智明 1 1. 仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院广东 广州 5102252. 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 / 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      【目的】‘汇丰 2 号’辣椒为杂交一代新品种,具有中早熟、抗病性强、耐储运和品质佳等特性,深受农户和消费者喜爱。为保障种子质量,拟建立一套快速、简便的种子纯度和真实性鉴定方法。【方法】基于辣椒基因组已公开的 SSR 分子标记资源,以‘汇丰 2 号’父、母本为材料,筛选多态明显、条带清晰且扩增稳定的 SSR 标记,对‘汇丰 2 号’杂交种子进行纯度鉴定,并结合田间形态鉴定验证分子标记鉴定的准确性。此外,利用筛选出的 SSR 标记对‘粤红 1 号’、‘汇丰 1 号’、‘汇丰 2 号’和‘汇丰 5 号’4 个品种进行真实性鉴定。【结果】筛选出 2 个 SSR 标记 L0143 和 L0622,其多态明显,且条带清晰、扩增稳定。其中,标记L0143 在母本 W2280 中 PCR 扩增条带为 149 bp,在父本 W2102 中的扩增条带为 141 bp;标记 L0622 在母本和父本中的扩增条带分别为 208 bp 和 196 bp。2 个标记单独使用时均可以准确鉴定‘汇丰 2 号’种子纯度,且 2个标记同时使用可以将‘粤红 1 号’、‘汇丰 1 号’、‘汇丰 2 号’和‘汇丰 5 号’4 个品种区分开,即可鉴定它们的真实性。【结论】筛选出的 SSR 分子标记 L0143 和 L0622 能够快速、准确、低成本、有效的对‘汇丰 2 号’杂交种子进行纯度和真实性鉴定,该鉴定方法操作简单,能够替代传统杂交种子纯度和真实性鉴定的方法,具有较高的商业应用前景。
      【Objective】‘Huifeng 2’ is an F1 hybrid variety which is highly favoured by farmers and consumers due to its characteristics of mid-early maturity, strong disease resistance, storage and transportation resistance and good quality. To ensure the quality of seeds, it intends to establish a set of quick and easy methods for seed purity and authenticity identification.【Method】Based on the publicly available SSR molecular markers of pepper genome, SSR markers with obvious polymorphisms, clear bands and stable amplification were screened by using the male and female parents of ‘Huifeng 2’ as materials. Then, the purity of the hybrid seeds of ‘Huifeng 2’ was identified, and the accuracy of the molecular marker was verified by using morphology identification in the field. In addition, the authenticity of four varieties, including ‘Yuehong 1’, ‘Huifeng 1’, ‘Huifeng 2’ and ‘Huifeng 5’, was identified with the screened markers.【Result】Two SSR markers, L0143 and L0622, were selected for their obvious polymorphism and clear bands with stable amplification. The PCR amplification bands of marker L0143 were 149 bp in the female parent W2280 and 141 bp in the male parent W2102, and the amplification bands of marker L0622 were 208 bp and 196 bp in the female parent and male parent, respectively. When used alone, the two markers could accurately identify the purity of ‘Huifeng 2’ seeds, and the simultaneous use of the two markers could distinguish the four varieties of ‘Yuehong 1’, ‘Huifeng 1’, ‘Huifeng 2’ and ‘Huifeng 5’, which could be used to identify their authenticity.【Conclusion】The SSR molecular markers L0143 and L0622 selected in this study can identify the purity and authenticity of ‘Huifeng 2’ hybrid seeds rapidly, accurately, and effectively with low-cost, which are simple to operate and can replace the traditional method of identifying the purity and authenticity of hybrid seeds. It has a high commercial application prospect.
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