卢宇金 1,2,黄 珍 3,许华钊 1,石少磊 2,周 洁 3,张 哲 2,谢水华 1.大白猪多群体一步法基因组选择的应用效果分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(11):113-122
查看全文    HTML 大白猪多群体一步法基因组选择的应用效果分析
Application Effect Analysis of Single-step Genomic Selection in Multi-population of Yorkshire Pig
中文关键词: 基因组选择  一步法 GBLUP(ssGBLUP)  大白猪  合并群体  场间关联率  遗传力  生长性状
英文关键词: genomic selection  single-step GBLUP (ssGLUP)  Yorkshire  combined populations  connectedness rating  heritability  growth trait
卢宇金 1,2,黄 珍 3,许华钊 1,石少磊 2,周 洁 3,张 哲 2,谢水华 1 1. 广东省农业技术推广中心广东 广州 5105202. 华南农业大学动物科学学院广东 广州 5106423. 广东艾佩克科技有限公司广东 广州 510470 
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      【目的】探究在拥有大量无基因型参考群的群体中,基因组选择(GS)方法与传统 BLUP 方法预测准确性的差异。同时,对比联合评估中 GBLUP 和一步法 GBLUP 的应用效果,为联合评估提供参考依据。【方法】使用 6 个大白猪群体(A~F)的校正达 100 kg 体重日龄(DAYS_100)和校正达 100 kg 体重背膘厚(BFT_100)2个性状进行分析,并估计遗传力及遗传相关。探究 BLUP、GBLUP 和 ssGBLUP 模型在不同群体及合并群体中的预测准确性。【结果】(1)F 群体 BFT_100 性状遗传力较低、仅为 0.071,其他群体的 BFT_100 性状遗传力为 0.205 ~ 0.383。6 个群体的 DAYS_100 性状遗传力为 0.258 ~ 0.598。(2)除 D 群体 2 个性状间的遗传相关为 0.211 外,其他群体的遗传相关为负相关(-0.462 ~ -0.200)。(3)对于 DAYS_100 性状,B、C、E 和 F 群体中 GBLUP 模型的预测准确性最高。对于 BFT_100 性状,A、B 和 C 群体中 ssGBLUP 模型的预测准确性最高,而 D 和 E 群体中 GBLUP 模型的预测准确性最高。(4)F 群体与 A 群体的场间关联率(CR)达 3.096%,而在 F 群体中,使用合并参考群的一步法基因组选择,可以提高 BFT_100 性状的预测准确性。【结论】在基因型个体数 >500 且群体占比> 7% 的群体中,GBLUP 或 ssGBLUP 模型的预测准确性高于 BLUP 模型;利用 ssGBLUP 模型对场间关联率达到 3% 的群体进行联合评估,可提高低遗传力性状的预测准确性。
      【Objective】Exploring the difference in prediction accuracy between genome selection (GS) and traditional BLUP methods in the presence of a large number of non-genotype reference populations. Assessing the application effect of GBLUP and ssGBLUP in the joint evaluation to provide recommendations for joint evaluation.【Method】Two straits of days to reach 100 kg (DAYS_100) and the average backfat thickness at 100 kg (BFT_100) were analyzed in six Yorkshire populations, and the heritability and genetic correlation of the two traits were estimated. Exploring the prediction accuracy of BLUP, GBLUP and ssGBLUP models in different populations and combined populations.【Result】(1) In F population, the heritability of BFT_100 was only 0.071, while in other populations it was between 0.205 and 0.383. The heritability of DAYS_100 in six populations ranged from 0.258 to 0.598. (2) The genetic correlation between the two traits in D population was 0.211, however, in other populations, the genetic correlations were negative, ranging from -0.462 to -0.200. (3) For DAYS_100 trait, the GBLUP model showed the best prediction accuracy in B, C, E, and F populations. For BFT_100 trait, the ssGBLUP model had the best prediction accuracy in populations A, B, and C, while the GBLUP model performed better in populations D and E. (4) The connectedness rating (CR) between F and A population was 3.096 %. In F population, single-step genomic selection using combined reference populations can improve the prediction accuracy of BFT_100 trait. 【Conclusion】When the number of genotyped individuals in the population exceeds 500 and the proportion is above 7%, the prediction accuracy of GBLUP or ssGBLUP model will be higher than that of BLUP model. ssGBLUP model can be used to improve the prediction accuracy of low heritability traits in joint population that the CR reaches 3% between population.
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