刘士力 1,陈大伟 1,2,郑建波 1,程 顺 1,蒋文枰 1,迟美丽1,夏冯博 3,李 飞 1.基于线粒体 D-loop 区序列的 4 个黄尾鲴养殖群体遗传多样性分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(11):139-145
查看全文    HTML 基于线粒体 D-loop 区序列的 4 个黄尾鲴养殖群体遗传多样性分析
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Four Cultured Xenocypris davidi Populations Based on Mitochondrial D-loop Sequences
中文关键词: 黄尾鲴  线粒体 DNA(mtDNA)  D-loop 序列  遗传多样性  遗传结构
英文关键词: Xenocypris davidi  mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)  D-loop sequence  genetic diversity  genetic structure
刘士力 1,陈大伟 1,2,郑建波 1,程 顺 1,蒋文枰 1,迟美丽1,夏冯博 3,李 飞 1 1. 浙江省淡水水产研究所 / 农业农村部淡水渔业健康养殖重点实验室 / 浙江省淡水水产遗传育种重点实验室浙江 湖州 3130012. 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 / 农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室上海 2013063. 湖州师范学院生命科学学院浙江 湖州 313001 
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      【目的】黄尾鲴(Xenocypris davidi)是以腐殖质、有机碎屑为饵料,兼食浮游生物和底栖动物的的淡水经济鱼类,是浙江省自然水域鱼类增殖放流的主要品种之一。了解人工繁育对黄尾鲴遗传多样性的影响,可为自然水域黄尾鲴的增殖放流策略设计和实施提供参考。【方法】对浙江长兴、八里店、双浦和湖南醴陵 4个黄尾鲴养殖群体的线粒体 DNA(mtDNA)D-loop 序列进行 PCR 扩增和测序,通过序列分析研究 4 个群体的遗传多样性。【结果】黄尾鲴线粒体 D-loop 序列长度为 1 038~1 093 bp,碱基 A+T 含量(65.3%)显著高于 C+G含量(34.7%),平均转换 / 颠换比值(TS/TV)为 4.6。在 128 条黄尾鲴的 D-loop 序列中共检测到 101 个变异位点,包括 97 个简约信息位点;界定了 19 种单倍型,其中长兴、双浦、八里店和醴陵群体的单倍型数目分别为5、12、4 和 2;单倍型多样性(h)介于 0.226~0.915 之间,核苷酸多样性(π)介于 0.00640~0.01433 之间。4 个黄尾鲴养殖群体的遗传多样性具有一定差异,不同养殖群体间遗传距离为 0.03782 ~ 0.88756,遗传分化系数为0.78903(P<0.01),群体内变异占整个遗传变异的 21.10%,其中长兴群体和八里店群体的遗传分化系数最低,双浦和醴陵群体的遗传分化系数最高,遗传变异主要发生在群体间。【结论】4 个黄尾鲴养殖群体的遗传多样性具有一定差异。黄尾鲴遗传变异和种群结构的信息可为其遗传多样性变化的研究提供参考,有助于黄尾鲴的资源保护。
      【Objective】Xenocypris davidi is a freshwater economic fish, which feeds on humus, organic debris, plankton, and benthic animals, is one of the main fish for stock enhancement in Zhejiang Province. The research is aims to understand the impact of artificial breeding on the genetic diversity of X. davidi, and to provide basic data for the design and implementation of stock enhancement strategies for X. davidi in natural waters.【Method】D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of four cultured X. davidi populations from Changxing, Balidian, Shuangpu in Zhejiang Provice and Liling in Hunan Province were amplified and sequenced. The genetic diversity of the four populations was studied by sequence analysis.【Result】The mitochondrial D-loop sequence length of the X. davidi was 1 038-1 093 bp, and the base A+T content (65.3%) was significantly higher than the C+G content (34.7%), the average transitions and transversions ratio (TS/TV) was 4.6. A total of 101 mutation sites including 97 reduced information sites were detected in 128 D-loop sequences of X. davidi, and defining 19 haplotypes. Among them, the haplotype numbers of Changxing, Shuangpu, Balidian, and Liling populations were 5, 12, 4, and 2, respectively. The haplotype diversity (h) ranged from 0.226 to 0.915, and the nucleotide diversity (π) ranged from 0.00640 to 0.01433. The genetic distance between different breeding populations was 0.03782-0.88756, the genetic differentiation coefficient among populations was 0.78903 (P<0.01), among which the degree of genetic difference between Changxing and Balidian populations was the lowest, and that of Shuangpu and Liling populations was the highest, and the genetic variation mainly occurred among populations.【Conclusion】There are certain differences in genetic diversity among the four cultured X. davidi populations. The results of the genetic variation and population structure of X. davidi will provide reference data for the comparative study on the genetic diversity of the X. davidi, and contribute to the resource protection.
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