梁雪雨 1, 2,郭 敏 1,2,欧旭华 2,陈 莹 2,周丹华 2,黄翠红 2,王 慧 2,杨瑰丽1, 2.南方稻区主栽香稻品种香味基因 Badh2 基因型分析[J].广东农业科学,2023,50(12):104-111
查看全文    HTML 南方稻区主栽香稻品种香味基因 Badh2 基因型分析
Genotypic Analysis of Aroma Gene Badh2 in Aromatic Rice Cultivars in South China
中文关键词: 香稻  Badh2  KASP 分子标记  基因分型  香源亲本  南方稻区
英文关键词: aromatic rice  Badh2  KASP molecular marker  genotyping  aroma source parent  southern rice area
梁雪雨 1, 2,郭 敏 1,2,欧旭华 2,陈 莹 2,周丹华 2,黄翠红 2,王 慧 2,杨瑰丽1, 2 1. 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室茂名分中心广东 茂名 525099 2. 华南农业大学国家植物航天育种工程技术研究中心广东 广州 510642 
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      【目的】香味是水稻重要的品质性状之一,直接影响消费者对稻米蒸煮食味的感官评价。香稻资源的筛选和香味基因的鉴定与利用对香稻遗传育种以及香稻产业发展具有一定的实践意义。Badh2 是目前已被克隆的控制水稻香味的主效基因,明确该基因不同突变类型在南方地区香稻主栽品种中的分布与利用程度,可更好地服务于南方稻区的香稻育种研究。【方法】利用香味基因 Badh2 的 KASP 功能性分子标记,对 30 份南方香稻主栽品种 Badh2 进行基因分型分析,并采用咀嚼法、KOH 浸泡法、HS-SPME/GC-MS 联用技术对以上香稻品种进行香味表型鉴定,同时对主栽香稻品种的香源亲本进行溯源分析。【结果】KASP 分子标记可准确地对香味基因 Badh2 进行基因分型,南方稻区种植推广的 30 份香稻品种 Badh2 等位变异基因分型结果均为 Badh2-E7型突变,并且利用多种香味检测方法鉴定以上香稻均具有香味。对香稻品种的香源亲本溯源分析发现,南方稻区香稻品种香源亲本来源比较单一,主要是包括象牙香占、Basmati 370 等,其中以象牙香占为香源亲本占比约30%,以 Basmati 370 为香源亲本占比约 13%。【结论】通过 KASP 基因分型技术可实现对香稻进行大批量快速鉴定,本研究中所涉及的南方主栽香稻品种的 Badh2 等位基因型均为 Badh2-E7 型,香味基因基因型背景较为单一,可能与香源亲本来源单一有关。未来在南方稻区的香稻育种中,可以适当引入新的香味基因,丰富香味基因的遗传背景,培育更多香味类型的香稻品种。
      【Objective】Aroma is one of the important quality traits of rice, which directly affects consumers’evaluation on cooking and eating quality of rice. The selection of aromatic rice resources and the identification and utilization of aroma genes has practical significance for the genetic breeding and the development of aromatic rice. The aroma gene, Badh2, is a major gene that has been cloned to control the aroma of rice. Clarifying the distribution and utilization frequency of different alleles of Badh2 in main aromatic rice varieties planted in South China will better serve the breeding practice of aromatic rice in this area.【Method】Genotypic analysis was conducted on Badh2 in 30 rice cultivars collected from different areas in South China with the KASP functional molecular marker. The aroma of all the cultivars were tested with different evaluation methods including chewing method, KOH soaking method and HS-SPME/GC-MS. Meanwhile, the aroma ancestries of the above aromatic rice cultivars were traced, and their genetic backgrounds of aroma origins were analysed.【Result】KASP molecular markers could accurately genotype the aroma gene Badh2. The Badh2 allele variations of 30 aromatic rice varieties planted in South China were all Badh2-E7 type. The results of the aroma test showed that all Badh2-E7 type varieties possessed aroma. The aroma source parent tracing analysis of the aromatic rice varieties revealed that the aroma source parents of aromatic rice varieties were relatively simple and mainly included Xiangyaxiangzhan, Basmati 370, and etc. Xiangyaxiangzhan accounted for about 30% of the aroma source parents, and Basmati 370 accounted for about 13% of the aroma source parents. 【Conclusion】Large scale and rapid identification of aromatic rice can be achieved through KASP genotyping technology. The Badh2 alleles of 30 aromatic rice varieties collected in South China are all the genotype of Badh2-E7, and the simplicity of the genetic background of the aroma gene may result from the single source of the aroma parent. In future aromatic rice breeding, new aroma genes can be introduced to enrich the genetic background of rice aroma.
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