薛晓文,陆宝悦,韩 崇,舒 琥.硬骨鱼类性别调控对大刺鳅性逆转的启示[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(2):139-151
查看全文    HTML 硬骨鱼类性别调控对大刺鳅性逆转的启示
Inspiration of Sex Regulation in Teleosts on Sex Reversal of Zig-zag Eel (Mastacembelus armatus)
中文关键词: 硬骨鱼类  性别控制  遗传性别决定  环境性别决定  性逆转  大刺鳅
英文关键词: teleost  sex control  genetic sex determination  environmental sex determination  sex reversal  Mastacembelus armatus
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金(2019B1515120064);中国 - 东盟渔业资源保护与开发利用项目(CAMC-2018F);广东省乡村振兴战略专项资金种业振兴项目(2022-SPY-00-017);广州大学“2+5”平台资金支持(2023)
薛晓文,陆宝悦,韩 崇,舒 琥 广州大学生命科学学院广东 广州 510006 
摘要点击次数: 583
全文下载次数: 610
      鱼类的性别控制受遗传性别决定和环境性别决定两种机制的影响,对水产养殖具有重要意义。与其他脊椎动物相比,鱼类在性别分化和性腺发育方面可塑性强。硬骨鱼类雌雄个体的大小和生长速度存在显著的两性差异,培育和养殖体型大、生长速度快的单性群体有利于提高经济效益。大刺鳅是一种具有高营养价值和经济价值的淡水养殖鱼类,雄性个体比雌性生长速度更快、体型更大,因此培育全雄大刺鳅的经济效益更高。野生大刺鳅雌雄比例约为 1∶1,但在人工养殖条件下易出现高雌性率的现象。目前尚不清楚何种因素引起大刺鳅的雌性化,也未见成功诱导大刺鳅生理雌鱼发生性逆转的报道,这极大制约了大刺鳅养殖产业的发展和经济效益的提高。目前关于大刺鳅的研究主要集中在形态学、生理学、繁殖生物学和遗传多样性等方面,关于大刺鳅性别决定与性别分化的研究较为薄弱,需从其他硬骨鱼类的性别决定机制、性别调控方式和性别控制育种技术中发掘思路。基于硬骨鱼类的性别决定机制,综述了硬骨鱼类性别控制的几种方式,主要包括遗传因素调控(如性染色体、常染色体上的性别决定基因)和环境因素调控(如温度、外源激素、饵料等)。旨在为解析人工养殖大刺鳅高雌化的原因及潜在作用机制提供思路,同时为大刺鳅单性种群的繁殖与保持、优良品种的选育和种质资源保护提供重要的理论依据,以期更好地了解大刺鳅性腺发育和生殖机制,解决现阶段养殖大刺鳅雄性率低的瓶颈,为大刺鳅养殖业可持续发展提供保障。
      Influenced by two mechanisms of genetic sex determination and environmental sex determination, the sex control of fish is of great significance for aquaculture. Compared with other vertebrates, fishes exhibit great plasticity in sex differentiation and gonadal development. There are significant differences in the size and growth rate of male and female teleosts. Cultivating and breeding large and fast-growing unisexual populations is beneficial to improve economic benefits. Mastacembelus armatus is a kind of freshwater aquaculture fish with high nutritional and economic values. Male individuals grow faster and have a larger body size than females, therefore, cultivating all-male M. armatus has higher economic benefits. In the wild environment, the male to female ratio of the M. armatus is approximately 1∶1, however, there is a high female rate under artificial breeding conditions. At present, it has not been clear what factors cause the feminization of M. armatus, and there have been no successful reports of inducing physiological female sex reversal in the M. armatus, which greatly restricts the development of the M. armatus breeding industry and the improvement of economic benefits. At present, researches on the M. armatus mainly focus on morphology, physiology, reproductive biology, genetic diversity, and other aspects. The research on sex determination and differentiation of the M. armatus is relatively weak, and it is necessary to explore ideas from the sex determination mechanisms, sex regulation methods and sex control breeding techniques of other teleosts. Based on the mechanism of sex determination in teleosts, and the review summarizes several ways of sex control in teleosts, mainly including genetic factors regulation like sex determining genes on sex chromosomes and autosomes, as well as environmental factors regulation, such as temperature, exogenous hormones and fish feed. It aims to provide ideas for analyzing the causes and potential mechanism forhigh feminization of artificial cultivation of the M. armatus, and to provide important theoretical basis for the reproduction and maintenance of unisexual populations, the selection of excellent varieties, and the protection of germplasm resources of the M. armatus, to better understand the gonadal development and reproductive mechanism of the M. armatus, solve the bottleneck of low male rate in currently cultivated M. armatus and provide guarantees for the sustainable development of the M. armatus aquaculture industry.
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