卓梦霞1,刘思文 2,李春雨 2,胡位荣 1.镰刀菌属真菌毒素在植物和病原菌互作中的研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(3):56-69
查看全文    HTML 镰刀菌属真菌毒素在植物和病原菌互作中的研究进展
Research Progress on Fusarium Mycotoxins in Plant and Pathogen Interactions
中文关键词: 镰刀菌  真菌毒素  毒性机理  病原菌与植物互作  解毒酶  转运蛋白  次生代谢物
英文关键词: Fusarium  mycotoxin  toxic mechanism  plant and pathogen interaction  detoxification enzyme  transport protein  secondary metabolite
基金项目:广东省区域联合基金 - 重点项目(2019B1515120088);广东省农村科技特派员项目(2020);广东省农业科学院人才培养项目(R2022PY-QF002)
卓梦霞1,刘思文 2,李春雨 2,胡位荣 1 1. 广州大学生命科学学院广东 广州 5100062. 广东省农业科学院果树研究所 / 农业农村部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室 / 广东省热带亚热带果树研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 458
全文下载次数: 634
      Fusarium is one of the most important plant pathogens in the world, affecting plant growth and development and posing a serious threat to global food security and biodiversity. Almost all Fusarium species produce fungal toxins, which are diverse and highly toxic. On the one hand, they can participate in the pathogenic process of Fusarium as one of the pathogenic factors, and on the other hand, they can contaminate food and feed, leading to related diseases in humans and animals. Previous studies have shown that different types of mycotoxins produced by Fusarium infection not only poison plant cells and cause necrosis of plant tissues, but also accelerate the infection of pathogenic fungi. At the same time, in response to the mycotoxins produced by pathogenic fungi, plants activate defense enzymes and initiate the expression of defense related genes, or convert the pathogenic factors into non-toxic or low toxic substances and transport them out of the cell, or directly inhibit the biosynthesis of pathogenic mycotoxins by secreting secondary metabolites. To comprehensively analyze the role of Fusarium mycotoxin in pathogen infection of plants and improve their resistance to pathogens, this article reviews the types, toxicity mechanisms, and roles of mycotoxins in the interaction between plants and pathogens in Fusarium. It also discusses the defense response strategies of plants to mycotoxins, with an aim to provide references for future research on the pathogenic mechanism and pathogen control strategies of Fusarium mycotoxins.
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