丁永亮 1,苑举民 1,李 卓 1,张雄峰 1,李红霞 2,夏 昊 2,陈家寓 2,陈仁霄 1.不同品种烤烟氮代谢与类胡萝卜素代谢差异分析[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(3):81-90
查看全文    HTML 不同品种烤烟氮代谢与类胡萝卜素代谢差异分析
Analysis of Differences in Nitrogen Metabolism and Carotenoid Metabolism among Different Varieties of Flue-cured Tobacco
中文关键词: 烤烟  品种  类胡萝卜素  氮代谢  基因表达  品质
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  variety  carotenoid  nitrogen metabolism  gene expression  quality
丁永亮 1,苑举民 1,李 卓 1,张雄峰 1,李红霞 2,夏 昊 2,陈家寓 2,陈仁霄 1 1. 江西省烟草科学研究所江西 南昌 3300252. 吉安市烟草公司峡江分公司江西 吉安 333000 
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      【目的】优质烤烟品种是彰显烟叶产区质量特色的重要保障,探究优质烤烟品种与常规主栽品种在江西烟区大田生育期内氮代谢和类胡萝卜素代谢特征差异,分析优质烤烟品种生理代谢共性特征,为深入挖掘品种特性以及优化品种配套栽培技术提供理论和技术支撑。【方法】以感官质量较好的闽烟 312、闽烟 12 号与常规主栽品种云烟 87(CK)为材料,分析不同品种中部叶在关键生育期相关物质组分含量和基因表达量变化。【结果】在类胡萝卜素代谢方面,闽烟 312 和闽烟 12 号在现蕾期至脚叶成熟期叶黄素含量达 3.27~6.14 mg/g、β- 胡萝卜素含量达 0.67~1.59 mg/g,均极显著低于云烟 87,而在中部叶成熟时两个品种叶黄素含量分别为 2.31、2.58 mg/g,极显著高于云烟 87 的 0.17 mg/g 和 0.44 mg/g;类胡萝卜素合成相关基因主要在旺长期至现蕾期高表达;在腰叶成熟期前,闽烟 312 和闽烟 12 号 PSY 等类胡萝卜素合成相关基因相对表达量整体高于云烟 87,最大差值为 2.53。在氮代谢方面,闽烟 312 和闽烟 12 号在现蕾期至脚叶成熟期总氮含量(1.58%~3.36%)、蛋白质含量(7.14%~14.81%)均极显著低于云烟 87,在旺长期至脚叶成熟期 NR、NIR1 和 GS1-5 基因表达量高于云烟 87,在腰叶成熟期 GS1-5基因表达量较低。在相关性分析方面,NIR1、GS1-5 基因与 PSY、CRTISO 等基因及叶黄素、β- 胡萝卜素含量均存在显著或极显著正相关性。【结论】氮代谢与类胡萝卜素代谢之间存在显著相关性。与云烟 87 相比,优质烤烟闽烟 312 和闽烟 12 号中部叶在类胡萝卜素代谢方面表现出成熟前类胡萝卜素合成相关基因活性更强、成熟时叶黄素含量更高的特征,在氮代谢方面具有成熟前较高的氮素吸收同化能力、成熟时较低的氮素利用能力。
      【Objective】High-quality flue-cured tobacco varieties are important guarantees for showcasing the quality characteristics of tobacco producing areas. Exploring the differences in nitrogen metabolism and carotenoid metabolism characteristics between high-quality flue-cured tobacco varieties and conventional main varieties during the field growth period in Jiangxi tobacco region, and analyzing the common physiological metabolism characteristics of high-quality flue-cured tobacco varieties can provide theoretical and technical support for in-depth exploration of variety characteristics and optimization of variety matching cultivation techniques. 【Method】The Minyan 312, Minyan 12 with good sensory quality and the conventional variety of Yunyan 87 (CK) were used as materials. The changes in the contents of related substances and gene expression levels in middle leaves of different varieties during key growth periods were analyzed. 【Result】In terms of carotenoid metabolism, the contents of lutein and β-carotene in Minyan 312 and Minyan 12 were 3.27-6.14 mg/g and 0.67-1.59 mg/g respectively during the budding stage to foot leaf mature period, which were significantly lower than those in Yunyan 87. However, the contents of lutein in the middle leaf maturity of the two varieties were 2.31 mg/g and 2.58 mg/g, respectively, which were significantly higher than those in Yunyan 87 (0.17 mg/g and 0.44 mg/g). The peak expression of carotenoid synthesis-related genes mainly occurred in the vigorous growing period to budding stage. The relative expression of PSY and other carotenoid synthesis-related genes in Minyan 312 and Minyan 12 were higher than those in Yunyan 87 before the maturity of waist leaf, with a maximum difference of 2.53. In terms of nitrogen metabolism, the total nitrogen content (1.58%-3.36%) and protein content (7.14%-14.81%) in Minyan 312 and Minyan 12 were significantly lower than those in Yunyan 87 during the budding stage to foot leaf mature period. The expression levels of NR, NIR1 and GS1-5 genes in Minyan 312 and Minyan 12 were higher than those in Yunyan 87 during the vigorous growing period to foot leaf mature period, while the expression levels of GS1-5 genes were lower during the waist leaf mature period. In terms of correlation analysis, there was a significant or extremely significant positive correlation between NIRI, GS1-5, PSY, CRTISO and other genes, lutein and β-carotene.【Conclusion】There was a significant correlation between nitrogen metabolism and carotenoid metabolism. Compared with Yunyan 87, the middle leaves of high-quality flue-cured tobaccos Minyan 312 and Minyan 12 exhibited stronger activity of carotenoid synthesis related genes before maturity and higher lutein content during maturity in terms of carotenoid metabolism. In addition, the Minyan 312 and Minyan 12 had higher nitrogen absorption and assimilation ability before maturity, and had lower nitrogen utilization ability at maturity in terms of nitrogen metabolism.
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