王君雁 1,2,阮 栋 2,蒋守群 2.姜黄素吸收代谢及其对家禽繁殖调控作用研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(3):136-147
查看全文    HTML 姜黄素吸收代谢及其对家禽繁殖调控作用研究进展
Research Progress on Curcumin Metabolism and Regulation on Reproductive Performance in Poultry
中文关键词: 姜黄素  家禽  吸收代谢  繁殖调控  肠道微生物
英文关键词: curcumin  poultry  absorption and metabolism  reproductive regulation  intestinal microbe
王君雁 1,2,阮 栋 2,蒋守群 2 1. 广东海洋大学滨海农业学院广东 湛江 5240882. 广东省农业科学院动物科学研究所 /猪禽种业全国重点实验室 / 农业农村部华南动物营养与饲料重点实验室 /广东省畜禽育种与营养研究重点实验室广东 广州 510640 
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      姜黄素是从姜科植物(如姜黄)、天南星科植物根茎中提取出来的多酚类化合物,主要在动物肠道中进行吸收代谢,具有抗炎、抗氧化、抗凋亡、抗衰老、神经保护、免疫调节及代谢调控等作用。姜黄素在动物体内生物利用度差,为提高姜黄素的利用度,通常将其制成多种制剂及配型(如膜制剂、纤维制剂、乳制剂、水凝胶制剂、胡椒碱、半萜类化合物、环糊精、葫芦巴膳食纤维和卵磷脂)。不同的制剂及配型可增加姜黄素产物稳定性,保障姜黄素的有效利用。家禽主要通过下丘脑 - 性腺轴负反馈调节机制来调控生殖细胞发育,实现繁殖调控。此外,家禽的繁殖性能易受外部因素影响,其中光照的影响最大。光照刺激产生的褪黑素具有强抗氧化性,能通过缓解卵巢和睾丸组织的线粒体功能障碍来抑制凋亡和衰老,保障下丘脑 - 性腺轴负反馈调节机制的稳定和氧化应激状态下的卵泡发育。肠道微生物产生的血清素是褪黑素的前体物质,可以影响褪黑素的生成;其次肠道微生物刺激肠上皮细胞中的传入神经直接影响下丘脑分泌促性腺激素释放激素;最后,肠道内产生的雌二醇(E2)可以通过血液进入卵巢组织,并促进卵巢发育。研究发现,姜黄素可通过肠道微生物产生的短链脂肪酸在体内发挥功能作用,但姜黄素是否通过肠道微生物产生的短链脂肪酸来影响家禽的繁殖性能亟待探究。该文综述了姜黄素的生物活性、代谢方式、产品研发利用以及对家禽繁殖调控的作用机制及相关研究进展,旨在为姜黄素作为饲料添加剂在家禽生产中的合理应用提供理论参考。
      Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound extracted from the rhizomes of ginger plant turmeric and Araceae plant, which is mainly absorbed and metabolized in the intestine, and has the effects of anti-inflammation, antioxidation, anti-apoptosis, anti-aging, neuroprotection, immune regulation and metabolic regulation. Curcumin has poor bioavailability in the body. In order to improve the utilization, it is made into a variety of preparations and matching types , including membrane preparations, fiber preparations, dairy preparations, hydrogel preparations, piperin, semiterpenoids, cyclodextrin, fenugreek dietary fiber, lecithin, and etc. Different preparations and matching types will increase the stability of curcumin products, which can ensure the effective utilization of curcumin. Reproductive regulation in poultry mainly relys on the negative feedback regulation mechanism of the hypothalamic-gonadal axis (HPG axis) to maintain germ cell development. In addition, reproductive performance is susceptible to external conditions, with light having the greatest influence. Melatonin produced by light stimulation has strong antioxidant properties, which can inhibit apoptosis and aging by alleviating mitochondrial dysfunction of ovarian and testicular tissues, and ensure the stability of negative feedback regulatory mechanism of HPG and follicle development under oxidative stress. Serotonin in gut microbiome is a precursor to melatonin, and it can affect the production of melatonin; furthermore, intestinal microbes stimulate afferent nerves in intestinal epithelial cells to directly affect the hypothalamus secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and finally, estradiol (E2) produced in the intestine can enter the ovarian tissue through the blood and promote ovarian development. Studies have found that curcumin can play a functional role in vivo through short-chain fatty acids produced by intestinal microorganisms, however, whether curcumin affects the reproductive performance of poultry through short-chain fatty acids produced by intestinal microorganisms needs to be explored urgently. In the study, the biological activity, metabolism mode, product development and utilization, and mechanism of action of curcumin reproduction regulation in poultry and related research progress are reviewed, aiming to provide a theoretical reference for the rational application of curcumin as a feed additive in poultry production.
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