雷建军1,2,陈长明 2,朱张生 2,郑 婕 1,吴 昊1,肖艳辉 1,蒋园园 1,原 远 1,陈国菊 2,曹必好 2.辣椒抗病分子育种研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(4):1-18
查看全文    HTML 辣椒抗病分子育种研究进展
Research Progress on Molecular Breeding of Resistance to Disease in Pepper
中文关键词: 辣椒  分子标记  辅助选择  抗病分子机理  转基因
英文关键词: Capsicum annuum L.  molecular marker  marker-assisted selection  molecular mechanism of resistance  transgenic
雷建军1,2,陈长明 2,朱张生 2,郑 婕 1,吴 昊1,肖艳辉 1,蒋园园 1,原 远 1,陈国菊 2,曹必好 2 1. 韶关学院生物与农业学院 / 韶关学院工程技术研究中心广东 韶关 5120052. 华南农业大学园艺学院 /农业农村部华南地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室广东 广州 510642 
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      辣椒起源于南美洲,16 世纪传入中国。辣椒的营养价值高,在保健、美容、食品、医药、制暴等行业均有重要作用,已成为我国最重要的蔬菜作物之一,栽培面积逐渐增加、目前位居我国蔬菜作物之首。辣椒栽培过程中会遭受各种病害的侵袭,给生产造成重大损失。通过化学防治方法、农业防治措施等可以在一定程度上减轻病虫为害,但选用抗病品种是防治病害最经济有效的措施。随着分子生物学的发展,抗病分子育种与常规育种方法相结合是将来取得突破的发展方向。近年来,辣椒抗病分子育种机理取得了重要成果,尤其是抗病分子机理取得一系列成果。 分子育种主要包括两部分:一是分子标记辅助育种,首先必须找到分子标记,分子标记分为基因标记、构建分离群体进行连锁分析获得的标记以及通过大量材料测序进行关联分析获得的标记;二是基因工程育种,前提是分离获得抗病基因,然后将抗病基因导入到经济性状优良的育种材料中,或者通过基因编辑技术或基因沉默技术使负向调控的基因发生突变,从而提高植株抗病性。该文从辣椒抗病性分子标记及其辅助选择、辣椒抗病分子机理、采用基因工程技术获得抗病辣椒种质(抗病毒病、抗青枯病和抗疫病)等方面进行综合介绍,并对辣椒抗病分子育种的发展趋势和研究重点进行展望。
      Pepper originated in South America and was introduced to China in the 16th century. With high nutritional value, pepper has an important role in health care, beauty, food, medicine, violence and other industries. It becomes one of the most important vegetable crops in China. With the gradual increase of cultivation area pepper ranks the top among vegetable crops in China in this aspect. In the process of pepper production, it inevitably suffers from various diseases, causing great losses to production. It is the most economical and effective measure to control diseases through selecting disease-resistant varieties, although the chemical control methods and agricultural control measures can reduce the harm to a certain extent. With the development of molecular biology, the combination of molecular breeding and conventional breeding methods for disease resistance is a direction of future breakthroughs. In recent years, great progress has been made in the molecular breeding of pepper disease resistance, especially, the molecular mechanism of disease resistance. Molecular breeding mainly includes two parts: one is marker-assisted breeding, and the other is creating disease-resistant breeding materials by means of genetic engineering. In marker-assisted breeding, molecular markers must be found first. Molecular markers are divided into gene markers, markers obtained by linkage analysis in segregation populations, and markers gotten by association analysis through sequencing of a large number of materials. The premise of genetic engineering is to isolate and obtain disease resistance genes, and then introduce them into pepper breeding materials with good economic traits, or mutate negatively regulated genes through gene editing technology or gene silencing technology to improve disease resistance of plants. In this paper, molecular markers and marker-assisted selection, molecular mechanism of disease resistance and disease-resistant germplasm (resistance to virus, bacterial wilt and Phytophthora capsici) obtained by genetic engineering technology are comprehensively introduced, and the development trend and research focus in the future are prospected.
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