杨艳芬,段敏仙,张碧蓉,闫素云,史文斌,唐少平,潘 黎,周先艳.云南瑞丽 4 个主栽柑橘品种成熟期果实品质变化规律[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(4):115-124
查看全文    HTML 云南瑞丽 4 个主栽柑橘品种成熟期果实品质变化规律
Changes in Quality of Fruits during Maturity of Four Main Citrus Varieties in Ruili, Yunnan
中文关键词: 柑橘  发育成熟期  外在品质  内在品质  品质变化  采收期
英文关键词: citrus  maturity stage  external quality  intrinsic quality  quality change  harvest time
杨艳芬,段敏仙,张碧蓉,闫素云,史文斌,唐少平,潘 黎,周先艳 云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所云南 保山 678000 
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      【目的】探究云南瑞丽地区主栽柑橘品种成熟期果实品质变化规律,为确定果实适时采收期提供理论依据。【方法】以云南主栽的 4 个柑橘品种(沃柑、冰糖橙、茂谷柑、W·默科特)为试材,分别从花后 150~330 d(2020 年 8 月 12 日—2021 年 2 月 8 日)和花后 240~405 d(2021 年 11 月 8 日—2022 年 4 月 28 日)开始采果,每隔 15 d 定期采样并测定果实品质。【结果】随着柑橘果实的成熟,4 个品种果实单果质量及横、纵径呈先上升后平缓的趋势,沃柑在花后 270 d 前、冰糖橙在花后 255 d 前、茂谷柑在花后 300 d 前、W·默科特在花后 285 d 前其果实结束快速生长膨大期;2 年内,除茂谷柑转色期一致外,W·默科特果皮转色期早于第 1 年,沃柑和冰糖橙转色期晚于第 1 年。冰糖橙、沃柑、茂谷柑和 W·默科特的可溶性固形物(TSS)质量分数分别在其花后 240、315、300、270 d 后基本稳定,可滴定酸(TA)质量分数分别在花后 180、210、240、240 d 后无显著变化。【结论】综合考虑单果质量、横纵径、果皮颜色和内含物质量分数等指标,沃柑在花后 315 d、冰糖橙在花后 255 d、茂谷柑在花后 300 d、W·默科特在花后 285 d 时果实达到采收成熟度,适宜开始采收。
      【Objective】The study aims to explore the change law of fruit quality of the main citrus varieties in Ruili area of Yunnan Province during maturity, offering a theoretical foundation for identifying the appropriate time for fruit harvesting.【Method】Four citrus varieties including Orah, Bingtang, Murcott, and W·Murcott were used as tested materials. Fruits were harvested 150-330 d after flowering (August 12, 2020 to February 8, 2021) and 240-405 d after flowering (November 8, 2021 to April 28, 2022). Samples were taken every fifteen days routinely, and the quality of the fruits was determined.【Result】The single fruit quality and the fruit horizontal and longitudinal diameters of the four citrus varieties exhibited a trend of growing first and then flattening as the maturity of fruits. Orah, Bingtang, Murcott and W·Murcott fruits terminated their rapid growth and expansion period before 270, 255, 300 and 285 days after flowering, respectively. In a span of two years, except for Murcott (with transition period being consistent in the first and the second year), the color transition period of W·Murcott peel was earlier in the first year, and the color transition period of Orah and Bingtang was later than the first year. Bingtang, Orah, Murcott and W·Murcott all showed stable mass fractions of total soluble solids content (TSS) after 240, 315, 300 and 270 days of flowering, respectively; while the mass fractions of titratable acid content (TA) showed no significant change at 180, 210, 240 and 240 d of flowering, respectively.【Conclusion】Combining the indicators such as single fruit weight, horizontal and longitudinal diameter, peel colour, and mass fraction of internal substance content, the fruits of Orah, Bingtang, Murcott, and W·Murcott reach harvest maturity at 315, 255, 300, and 285 d after flowering, which are suitable for harvesting.
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