宋 鸽 1,胥智强 2,孙静思 2,赵雪宁 2.腐殖质促进植物根和地上部生长的信号传导和串扰机制研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(4):136-148
查看全文    HTML 腐殖质促进植物根和地上部生长的信号传导和串扰机制研究进展
Progress on the Signal Transduction and Crosstalk Mechanism of Humic Substances in Promoting Plant Root and Shoot Growth
中文关键词: 腐殖质    地上部  质膜 H +-ATPase  吲哚乙酸  一氧化氮  脱落酸  活性氧
英文关键词: humic substances  root  shoot  (PM)H +-ATPase  IAA  NO  ABA  ROS
宋 鸽 1,胥智强 2,孙静思 2,赵雪宁 2 1. 俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学地球科学研究所俄罗斯 圣彼得堡 19903412. 黑龙江大学中俄学院黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080 
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      天然高分子异构混合物腐殖质(HS)是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,其促生作用近年来被广泛研究,其中多条信号通路在 HS 促进植物生长发育过程中起到重要作用。该文综述了 HS 促进植物根和地上部生长发育的信号通路传导及串扰机制。HS 在促进根系生长过程中吲哚乙酸(Indole-3-acetic acid,IAA)、一氧化氮(Nitric oxide,NO)、脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)、活性氧(Reactive oxygen species,ROS)和 Ca2+ 等信号通路传导及相互串扰过程参与其中;HS 在促进地上部生长过程中细胞分裂素(Cytokinin,CTK)、ABA 和硝酸盐信号通路发生复杂的传导和相互串扰过程。HS 通过复杂的代谢网络调控植物生理代谢,调节机制涉及多条复杂信号通路的传导和串扰过程,其中质膜 H+-ATPase 是 HS 促进地下和地上部生长机制研究中的关键节点,多条信号通路通过质膜 H+-ATPase 介导相互级联放大的信号传导。在 HS 调控根系和地上部生长发育过程中,信使 NO 与多条信号通路间发生复杂的串扰过程,是参与 HS 促生作用的重要串扰信号分子。HS 在触发根和地上部生长发育过程中还存在其他信号通路,其中防御信号通路水杨酸(Salicylicacid,SA)和茉莉酸(Jasmonic acid,JA)受到信号通路 IAA、NO、ABA 和 CTK 等的调节。由于 HS 具有分散性、异质性和生物化学研究复杂性的特点,至今尚未明确 HS 对植物生长短期作用机制以及在整个植物生长周期内的整体作用机制,因此需要进一步深入分析揭示促生过程中所涉及到的信号传导、交叉、串扰和整合途径,以及复杂的营养和代谢通路,为 HS 生理活性作用机制和农业生产应用的研究提供理论依据。
      Humic substances (HS), a natural polymer isomeric mixture, is an important component of terrestrial ecosystem. Its promotion effect on plant growth has been widely studied in recent years. Multiple signaling pathways play an important role in the process of HS promoting plant growth and development. The article summarizes the signaling pathway transduction and crosstalk mechanisms of HS in promoting the growth and development of plant roots and shoots. During the promotion of root growth, HS mainly involves the transduction of Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), nitric oxide (NO), abscisic acid (ABA), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Ca2+ signal, and the complex crosstalk between them; During the promotion of shoot growth, HS mainly involves the transmission of cytokinin (CTK) and ABA signaling pathways, and the complex crosstalk occurs between nitrate and CTK signaling pathways. HS regulates plant physiological metabolism through a complex metabolic network, involving multiple complicated signaling pathways and crosstalk processes. Among them, (PM) H+- ATPase is the key node of HS promoting root and shoot growth, and multiple signaling pathways mediate the signal transduction of cascade amplification via (PM) H+- ATPase. NO signal has a complex crosstalk process with multiple signaling pathways that regulate root and shoot growth, and is an important crosstalk signaling molecule involved in the promotion of plant growth by HS. There are other signaling pathways involved in the growth and development of roots and shoots triggered by HS, among which the defense signaling pathways salicylicacid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) are regulated by signaling pathways IAA, NO, ABA and CTK. Due to the dispersion, heterogeneity and complexity of biochemical research of HS, the relevant mechanism of the short-term promoting effect of HS on plant growth and the overall action mechanism on plant growth and development during the whole growth stage have not yet been clarified. Therefore, further in-depth analysis is needed to reveal the signal transduction, crossover, crosstalk and integration pathways involved in the growth promotion process, and the complex nutritional and metabolic pathways. The result of our research could provide theoretical basis for studying the action mechanism of HS physiological activity and its application in agricultural production.
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