王晓虎 1 ,任照文 1,2,张 翩 1 ,武笑宇 3 ,陈 晶1.病原微生物入侵中枢神经系统机制的研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(6):1-12
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Advances in the Study of Mechanisms of Pathogen Invasion into Central Nervous System
中文关键词: 中枢神经系统  血脑屏障  病原微生物  感染  入侵机制
英文关键词: central nervous system  blood-brain barrier  pathogenic microorganism  infection  invasion mechanism
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(32373008);广州市科技计划项目(2023E04J1256);广东省畜禽疫病防治研究重 点实验室项目(2023B1212060040);广东省林业局 2023 年自然资源事务(生态林业建设项目)
王晓虎 1 ,任照文 1,2,张 翩 1 ,武笑宇 3 ,陈 晶1 (1. 广东省农业科学院动物卫生研究所 / 农业农村部禽流感等家禽重大疾病防控重点实验室 / 广东省畜禽疫病防治研究重点实验室 / 农业农村部兽用药物与诊断技术广东科学观测实验站 广东 广州 5106402. 华南农业大学兽医学院广东 广州 5106423. 西南大学动物医学院重庆 402460) 
摘要点击次数: 1292
全文下载次数: 1994
      新冠疫情后,亚健康人群数量迅速增加,加之近年来全球旅行、气候变化和接触野生动物等频率升 高可能导致人兽共患病原体现象增加,中枢神经系统(Central nervous system,CNS)感染的发病率持续上升,已成 为导致人类伤残调整寿命年增加的主要原因之一。由于 CNS 感染病死率高,且给机体造成严重的后遗症,其也是 目前最严峻的全球公共卫生挑战之一。为抵御病原体入侵,宿主在体表和体内构筑了一系列屏障结构,包括皮肤屏 障、血肺屏障、血睾屏障及血脑屏障(Blood-brain barrier,BBB)等。其中,BBB 是一种复杂的屏障结构,由多种 细胞和非细胞成分组成。作为机体内隔离中枢与外周的生物屏障,BBB 能够阻止绝大多数有害物质侵入脑部,从 而保证脑部内环境的动态平衡与 CNS 的正常运转。然而,病原微生物经过长时间的进化,已经开发出多种途径来 穿越 BBB 以实现入侵 CNS。现今,已有 5 种入侵途径被研究人员所证实,包括感染或破坏脑内皮细胞;通过转胞 吞作用穿过 BBB;以“特洛伊木马”的形式,通过被感染的白细胞浸润而穿过 BBB;通过细胞旁间隙进入 CNS; 以及通过轴突运输由外周绕过 BBB 进入 CNS。CNS 感染性疾病的严重程度和复杂性受到病原本身、宿主 BBB 结构 和功能及神经侵袭途径的多样性影响。此外,随着研究的深入,病原体利用蛋白互作、调节 BBB 通透性及利用胞 吞作用入侵 CNS 的分子机制被详细解析,这使得一些药物的 CNS 递送成为可能,也为开发全新的 CNS 药物递送系 统奠定了一定的理论基础。因此,充分了解 BBB 结构和病原微生物入侵 CNS 途径,将有助于研发控制病原入侵、 新型脑靶向药物及新的递送系统以减轻宿主 CNS 中已建立感染的策略。
      Abstract: In post-pandemic period of COVID-19, the increase in the number of sub-healthy population, coupled with factors such as global travel, climate change, and increased contact with wildlife, may lead to a rise in the incidence of central nervous system (Central nervous system, CNS) infections by potential zoonotic pathogens, which has become one of the main reasons for the increase in adjusted life years lost due to human disability. Due to the high case fatality rate of CNS infection and the severe sequelae of the body, it is also one of the most serious global public health challenges at present. To resist pathogen invasion, hosts have constructed a series of barrier structures on their surfaces and within their bodies, including skin barrier, blood-lung barrier, blood-testis barrier and blood-brain barrier (BBB). Among these, the BBB is a complex barrier structure composed of various cellular and non-cellular components. As a biological barrier isolating the CNS from the periphery, BBB can prevent a vast majority of harmful substances from entering the brain, thus ensuring the dynamic equilibrium of the brain’s internal environment and the normal functioning of the CNS. However, through long-term evolution, pathogens have developed multiple pathways to cross the BBB and invade the CNS. Currently, five invasion pathways have been confirmed by researchers, including infection or disruption of brain endothelial cells; crossing the BBB through transcellular migration; infiltrating through the BBB as a “Trojan horse” via infected leukocytes; entering the CNS through paracellular spaces; and bypassing the BBB and entering the CNS through axonal transport from the periphery. The severity and complexity of CNS infectious diseases are influenced by the nature of the pathogen itself, the structure and function of the host BBB and the diversity of neural invasion pathways. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms by which pathogens utilize protein interactions, regulate BBB permeability, and invade the CNS through phagocytosis have been elucidated in detail. This has made CNS delivery of certain drugs possible and also laid a theoretical foundation for the development of entirely new CNS drug delivery systems. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the structure of the BBB and the pathways through which pathogens invade the CNS will contribute to the development of strategies to control pathogen invasion, novel brain-targeted drugs, and new delivery systems to mitigate established infections in the host CNS.
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