程蛟文 1
,赖泽培 1
,董骥驰 2
,覃 成 3
,吴智明 2
,廖 毅 1
,陈长明 1
宋 钊 4
,陈木溪 5
,崔竣杰 6
,宋建文 1
,胡开林 1.辣椒基因组学研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(7):1-12 |
辣椒基因组学研究进展 |
Research Progress in Genomics of Pepper (Capsicum spp.) |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2024.07.001 |
中文关键词: 辣椒 基因组学 种间分化 基因渗入 遗传多样性 人工驯化 扩张传播 |
英文关键词: pepper genomics interspecific differentiation introgression genetic diversity artificial domestication expansion and dissemination |
广东省自然科学基金(2023A1515012694) |
摘要点击次数: 756 |
全文下载次数: 1581 |
中文摘要: |
椒重要功能基因以及利用生物技术开展品种遗传改良等具有重要意义。2014 年辣椒基因组草图发布标志辣椒步入
基因组学研究时代。近 10 年来,辣椒基因组学研究取得显著进展,包括深入揭示辣椒基因组的基本特征,并初步
到广泛应用。该文主要回顾和总结过去近 10 年辣椒基因组研究领域取得的进展,并对构建更高质量辣椒参考基因
组和泛基因组以及完善辣椒功能基因组学研究平台进行展望,旨在为辣椒基因组学及其相关应用研究提供参考。 |
英文摘要: |
Pepper is one of the important vegetable crops and condiments in China. Carrying out researches on pepper
genomics is of great significance for understanding the genetics and evolution of peppers, tapping important functional genes
of peppers, and using biotechnology to conduct genetic improvement of varieties. The release of the draft pepper genomic map
in 2014 marked the entry of pepper into an era of genomics research. Over the past decade, remarkable progress has been
made in pepper genomics research, revealing the basic features of pepper genome deeply and constructing a preliminary pangenome of pepper. Meanwhile, pepper genomics has been widely applied in exploring the interspecific differentiation and gene
introgression of pepper, analyzing the evolutionary mechanism of pepper important traits, elucidating the genetic diversity of
pepper, revealing the characteristics of artificial domestication of pepper, tracing the history of global range expansion and
dissemination of pepper, and exploring the genes controlling the formation of important traits of pepper and so on. In this paper,
we review and summarize the progress made in pepper genomics and its applications over the past 10 years, and look forward
to the construction of a higher-quality pepper reference genome and pan-genome as well as the improvement of the research
platform for pepper functional genomics, with an aim to provide a reference for pepper genomics and related applications. |
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